Top 10 best haunted places to visit during Halloween

Oct 17, 2019 | Enjoy

It is almost Halloween! That means eating candy, wearing scary clothes, telling ghost stories and of course visiting haunted houses. Are you a scaredy cat or a dare devil? Let’s find out if you will be brave enough to make a visit to the following 10 haunted places with Halloween?

1. Ca’Dario, Venice

Venice has been put as number one as it is considered to be one of the most haunted cities in Europe. One of the creepiest stories is about the cursed place Ca’Dario. It is probably one of the most scariest buildings in the world, if not the scariest. Even though it is architecturally beautiful and located on the edge of the Canal Grande, locals refer to it as the ”house of no return”. This is because of the many deaths that have occurred with the owners of the building. In the 15th century, the designer and owner of this place lost his son to murder and his daughter to suicide while they lived in the house. This situation continued to many more successive owners with families. In total, 13 families have died in Ca’Dario, all mysteriously.

2. The tower of London, London

The Tower of London is besides a famous touristic attraction, one of the most haunted spots in the UK. Around 900 years ago, the Royal Highness Anne Boleyn was beheaded in 1536, and her headless body has been seen walking the Tower premises. But she is not the only one who is seen in the Tower of London by visitors. The ghosts of two mysterious children are mentioned to be seen regularly at the tower grounds. These royal princesses were sent to the Tower after parliament had actually considered them invalid. When the two small skeletons were uncovered in the Tower, it ended up being hard for skeptics to tell others they are wrong. During your visit, try to look closely and maybe they will look back to you.

3. The Ten Bells Pub, London

This pub is known as one of the most haunted pubs of England. Prostitutes used to frequently go to this watering Spitalfields pub to drink. It became one of the most haunted places after several victims got murdered by Jack the Ripper. One of the most known stories is about Mary Kelly who left the pub and ended up being Jack the Ripper’s victim. She got murdered on the 9th of November 1888. Her body was found the next morning on the opposite side of the road from The Ten Bells Pub, which has been suggested to be the spot where Mary Kelly picked up her clients as a prostitute. Staff, visitors and citizens, claim that the ghosts of Jack the Ripper’s victims are still alive.

But, that is not the only terrifying story of this pub in London. In the late 1900s, staff living in the pub complained about the seeing and hearing of a white ghostly old men dressed in Victorian clothing. The staff would wake up in the middle of the night and find this phantom lying beside them in the bed. But as soon as they cried, he disappeared…

4. Monastero Santa Radegonda, Milan

Over 600 years ago, Bernarda, the daughter of Bernabò Visconti, had committed adultery with a local boy even though she was married. That is why the father accused the boy of theft, tortured a false confession out of him, and killed him in front of the public eyes. As this was not enough, he had put his daughter in the Rocchetta di Porta Nuova and died after a couple of months. Nowadays, people say that you can hear her screaming at her father in the cloisters of the Church of Santa Radegonda. Would you be scared to hear this painful screaming voice coming from the Church in Milan?

5. Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

The historic cemetery haunted place in Buenos Aires is a major tourist destination. However, visitors are most of the times not aware of this haunted situation until after their visit. In 1902 youthful Rufina was wrongly pronounced dead and left to rest by a grieving family. Awakening in her own casket, she fought to come out of the coffin, but at some point suffocated. Rufina was discovered to be buried alive as her body scraped as well as mauled beyond acknowledgment. After she rises from the dead, her sad father restored the gravesite to depict his young child opening the doors to her very own tomb. Now the ghost of the innocent youthful Rufina, awakens every single night to make sure that other dead bodies in the cemetery have not experienced the same…

6. Line A Train, Buenos Aires

The line A train in Buenos Aires is the oldest train line in South America and the most haunted. Many individuals have reported strange events happening in the Sáenz Peña terminal while waiting for train line A to arrive. One of the employees of the Sáenz Peña terminal, informed that there was a blood-covered body in the bathroom. However, his superiors did not discover anything uncommon when checking this situation. The next day, the same happened to another employee, but again the superiors did not find anything. Would you dare using the bathroom at Sáenz Peña?

Have you ever heard of the ”Phantom Bride-to-be of Line A” story? No? Well, the story goes that after a lady had been stood up at the church, she ran out of the basilica and committed suicide by throwing herself in front of the train line A. For over several years nighttime workers mentions that she stands for a flash, but disappears when you look again. Meaning that even nowadays, she is still alive…

7. The Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town

One of the oldest buildings of Cape Town, the Castle of Good Hope, is very much haunted by various ghosts. Visitors and employees report hearing noisy voices as well as loud footsteps in the windowless dungeon and in the narrow passages of the building. The bell in the castle, which was walled up centuries ago after a soldier hung himself with the bell-rope, occasionally rings of its own accord. As this place is not haunted enough, a black dog is also claimed to haunt the property. It approaches visitors and then go away. Would you dare entering this castle?

8. Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town

Groote Schuur Healthcare facility is very much haunted. Patients, visitors, and employees mentioned to have seen many appearances in the hospital. A young nurse who shot herself because of a terminal illness throughout World War Two still wanders the hallways, another nurse with white eyes walks around the medical facility, a young man who died when trying to get away from the top floor additionally remains to haunt the healthcare facility as well as a woman with grey hair, called sister Fatima. These ghosts attempts to help the nursing personnel on their rounds. It really is one of the most haunted places in the world as patients, employees, and visitors get crazy when seeing or hearing one of those ghosts.

9. Rue des Chantres, Paris

The scariest street is the Rue des Chantres in Paris. During the early 1900s, children with consumption were kept in an annex of the Hotel-Dieu on this street. This was done with the reason to keep them apart from infecting the rest of the citizens and visitors. But on one day, a terrible flood took place, which made the River Seine overflowed. All the children got drowned as they were unable to escape from their rooms. That is why their spirits are still recognisable in this dark street in Paris nowadays. If you look or listen carefully, you will be able to see the children’s shadows or hear the screams and laughter.

10. Gran Teatre Del Liceu, Barcelona

Barcelona is without a doubt a city with many paranormal and haunted treasures. The Gran Teatre del Liceu is definitely one of them. It has been built for the reason to show executions during the Middle Ages. Before the opening of this building in 1847, it was already cursed. This has been proven to be correct as a fire heavily damaged the building in 1861. The next event happened shortly after when Santiago Salvador threw two bombs into the stalls of theatre. Over 20 people lost their lives because of this. Then, 100 years later, the theatre was destroyed by another fire. After the rebuilt it remained a cultural staple in the city. However, visitors mentions to catch glimpses of ghostly figures on stage and the audience. Planning to go to the Gran Theatre del Liceu? Maybe you will sit next to one of those ghostly figures…….

So.. Do you still feel confident enough to visit these haunted halloween places? Book an apartment in one of these scary cities and maybe you will come back with a great story to tell….:

Check out our last post as well!

Happy Halloween!