How to Take Professional Pictures Of Your Rental Apartment With a Mobile Phone

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Tips Enjoy Apartments | 0 comments

In the competitive landscape of short-term rental properties, captivating potential guests with high-quality visuals is paramount. Platforms like Airbnb,, VRBO, and Homes & Villas by Marriott offer vast selections, but it’s the listings with professional, eye-catching photos that stand out and attract bookings. Julia from EnjoyApartments is here to guide you through the process of using your mobile phone to capture stunning images of your rental space, ensuring your property shines across all booking channels.

Leverage Natural Lighting
Natural lighting is a photographer’s best asset, especially in interior photography. It makes spaces appear larger, brighter, and more inviting. Shoot during the day when sunlight is soft and abundant, and use curtains and blinds to filter and diffuse light evenly across the room, eliminating harsh shadows and highlights.

Stabilize Your Shots with a Tripod
Sharp, clear images are essential for showcasing the beauty of your rental apartment. A mobile phone tripod ensures stability, preventing blurry images due to hand movement. For those without a tripod, placing your phone on a stable surface can also help achieve a steady shot.

Optimize Mobile Camera Settings
Smartphones are equipped with features that can enhance photo quality. Use HDR mode to balance the lighting in your shots, and familiarize yourself with manual settings to adjust exposure and focus. Avoid using flash, as it can create unflattering shadows and highlights.

Composition and Angles Matter
The right angle can transform the look of a space. Try shooting from corners or doorways to capture a wide perspective of rooms. Use the rule of thirds to guide your composition, creating more dynamic and interesting images.

Highlight Unique Features
Focus on what makes your rental unique. Whether it’s a cozy nook, a luxurious bathroom, or a stunning view, make sure these features are prominent and focused in your photos. These details can make your listing stand out and attract more guests.

Edit Photos for a Natural Look
Post-processing is crucial for fine-tuning your images. Use editing apps to adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation to reflect the true atmosphere of your space. Keep edits subtle to ensure photos remain authentic and true to life.

Capture Multiple Perspectives
Taking multiple shots from different angles gives potential guests a better understanding of your space. It also provides you with options to choose the best images for your listing, showcasing your property from the most flattering viewpoints.

Prepare Your Space
A clean, decluttered space photographs best. Remove personal items and clutter to make rooms appear larger and more inviting. This step is crucial for making a good impression on potential guests.

Pay Attention to Vertical Lines
Ensure vertical lines in your photos are straight to avoid distortion. This is especially important for interior shots, where skewed lines can make spaces appear tilted or uneven.

Practice and Review
Photography skills improve with practice. Experiment with different settings and techniques, and review your photos critically to learn what works best. Over time, your ability to capture your rental in its best light will improve significantly.

Enhance Room Appeal with Styling
Adding small decorative touches can significantly enhance the appeal of your photos. Stylish, thoughtful additions like fresh flowers or a set of artfully arranged books can make spaces feel more welcoming and lived-in.

Use Panoramic Shots for Small Spaces
For compact rooms, panoramic shots can capture a more comprehensive view, making the space appear larger. Practice with your phone’s panoramic feature to master smooth, wide-angle shots that showcase small spaces effectively.

Adjust White Balance for Accurate Colors
Color accuracy is key in photography. Adjust the white balance setting on your phone to ensure that the colors in your photos accurately reflect the true ambiance of your rental space.

Utilize Photo Stitching for Wide-Angle Effects
If your phone struggles with wide-angle shots, consider using photo stitching apps. These apps can merge multiple images into one, offering a wide-angle view that’s perfect for showcasing larger areas.

Consider Time of Day for Outdoor Shots
Capture outdoor features like gardens or pools during the golden hour for the most flattering light. This soft, warm lighting enhances the beauty of outdoor spaces, making them more appealing in your listing.

Focus on Textural Details
Textures add depth and interest to photos. Highlight the textures of materials and fabrics in your space to add richness and detail to your images, making them more engaging to potential guests.

Implement Negative Space for a Modern Look
Using negative space effectively can give your photos a modern edge. This approach focuses the viewer’s attention on the main subject of the photo, making your space appear more open and inviting.

Engage in Continuous Learning
Stay up-to-date with the latest photography trends and techniques to keep your listing photos fresh and competitive. Continuous learning helps you adapt to new styles and technologies, ensuring your rental property always looks its best.

Collect Feedback
Listen to guest feedback regarding your photos. Positive comments can validate your approach, while constructive criticism provides insights for future improvements.

Combining these strategies and tips, property owners can create visually stunning, professional-quality photographs with just a mobile phone. This not only enhances your rental listings across various platforms but also attracts more guests, ultimately contributing to the success of your rental business. Remember, in the world of short-term rentals, the quality of your photos can make a significant difference in how your property is perceived and, ultimately, its occupancy rate. Do remember that at EnjoyApartments we always recommend a professional photographer for your apartment photos.

The money is so well-spent! Join EnjoyApartments and get your free photoshoot.

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