What are the benefits of going to the Mobile World Congress 2019?

Feb 21, 2013 | Barcelona Guide

The Mobile World Congress is a congress that is famous worldwide. Attendees from every corner of the world will come to Barcelona and visit the congress. In this post you find out why they visit the Mobile World Congress and why you should to!

The Mobile World Congress is a combination of the world’s largest exhibition for the mobile industry and a conference featuring prominent Chief Executives representing mobile operators, device manufacturers, technology providers, vendors and content owners from across the world. It has been held in Barcelona since 2006. A couple of years ago it moved to another fair ground in Barcelona, the Fira grounds. This area is 50% bigger than where it was before.

Nowadays the Mobile Congress is the biggest congress for the telephone branch in the world. Attendees from all over the world come to Barcelona, why?

  • 240.000 m2 of congress ground
  • 67.000 attendees from all over the world
  • 12.000 mobile app developers that display the hottest updates
  • 1.500 exhibitors that can’t wait to network, display their products and experience the newest updates in the branch
  • A great atmosphere during and after the MWC
  • Think of all the advantages of Barcelona, the city that hosts the MWC

I can short say that this congress is amazing and the perfect place to have a chat and to network with other people within the same branche and interests. You will meet them in one of the eight halls of the Fira Barcelona or in the networking gardens. These gardens are the perfect place to have face to face contact with other people. After a hard day at the congress lots of parties will be organized in Barcelona. The most of these parties are free to entrance, but you have to register yourself. They will be held trough the whole city so you could visit a party every day. A great way to make this week unforgettable…

This event is followed by the whole world. If you come to Barcelona during the Mobile World Congress you will notice the great amount of international people, multicultural atmosphere and the media interest from all over there world. There will come over 3.300 press members to Barcelona! There even will be a special TV channel dedicated to the MWC. It will broadcast with live reports. So in every newspaper or on any TV channel will be a report about this congress.

If you are in the mobile branch or if you are very interested in mobile phones, this is a must visit congress for you. Every year it grows in size. With nearly 1.500 exhibitors there is enough to do and see for a couple of months for the 65.000 attendees! You wont regret visiting this event. If you are planning to visit the congress searching for accommodation is not necessary anymore. During the Mobile World Congress Enjoy Apartments offers great variety of Apartments in Barcelona near the fairgrounds.