Why We (hashtag) Love Mobile World Congress!

Sep 19, 2011 | Barcelona Guide

Here at the Enjoy Apartments office in Barcelona, we are all big fans of the annual industry uber-event that is Mobile World Congress. This annual industry gathering – hosted by the global mobile association GSMA – recently committed to holding the next six years of the congress here in Barcelona, tagging BCN as the first ever Mobile World City.

For us, the event sums up so many of Barcelona’s most dynamic and cosmopolitan characteristics:

  • the city’s transport system and urban design accessibility that makes it easy for event visitors to get around safely,
  • the hospitality of residents and how locals – and those of us who have made our home here – are always happy to chat with visitors at bars, restaurants and in the clubs,
  • the cutting edge next wave of Barcelona tech startups and design industries that are already contributing to the cloudy world of apps and mobile tech
  • the creative spaces and nightlife scenes that offer the city up as a world platform in which visitors mix together from all over the world,
  • the wifi accessibility across the city that enables visitors and the net savvy resident population to stay connected 24/7.

Everyone here at Enjoy Apartments are keen apps users and we all have our smart phone toys: we love the future potential that Mobile World Congress discusses and we’re always proud at how many major mobile industry announcements are made in Barcelona at the Congress events. Yes, #weloveMWC!

To celebrate next year’s Mobile World Congress, we have a full and original program of online content to offer you over the next 6 months as we countdown to the last week in February! For 2012, we are highlighting the Barcelona mobile apps industry, and including a special focus looking at the dynamic world of the Netherlands apps sector. Between our sister site Enjoy Rotterdam and our Mobile World Congress home base of Enjoy Barcelona, we wanted to use our ties to take a specific look at the nation that is surprising the world with its surging growth and tech prowess in all things apps and mobile related: The Netherlands.

We have also started building a set of reference materials and guides for any business thinking of attending Mobile World Congress in 2012. Our Apps Planet 2012 events page walks you through some of the decision-making factors you need to start considering now if you plan to exhibit or partner in 2012. Staying at our Barcelona apartments is ideal for business groups exhibiting in 2012. Over the coming weeks we will add more materials, including interviews with previous exhibitors, a business case template and a return on investment model for businesses that want to start assessing the value of your Mobile World Congress participation, and of course the latest details on Congress plans and business opportunities. If your business has any specific questions about Barcelona or Mobile World Congress, please email us, post a message to our Facebook page, or tweet your question to us at our celebratory event hashtag #welovemwc.

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