When Are Flights The Cheapest: 25 Tips (What Airlines Don’t Want You To Know)

Dec 13, 2016 | About us, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments

You decided that you need some holiday time, but you have no clue where to go yet. If you start with some cheap airplane tickets you can plan your trip around it. But how do you find cheap airplane tickets? In this blogpost you will get some tips when and how to buy the cheapest tickets.

tip #1, be flexible

When you’re going to book a plane ticket don’t just pick the date of departure and return. Keep your options open a few days earlier or later, or the flight can cost hundreds of euros. A good website to have an overview is PaperFlies. There you can check when you fly the cheapest.

tip #2, book on a Tuesday or Wednesday

The best day to book your plane ticket is on Tuesday afternoon. On Tuesday and Wednesday most airline companies get their new offers and promotions online. These days you will have the biggest chance to find a good offer! Also at night is a good time to book a airline ticket because the site has pretty much no visitors. Never book an plane ticket in the weekend, everyone is looking for tickets. Airlines are smart enough to increase their prices during this peaks.

tip #3, subscribe on newsletters

Many airlines have super sharp offers but now you need to know when they start, otherwise it doesn’t make sense. So make sure subscribed on the newsletter from airline companies then you always will be up to date! If you get the email you always have been waiting for don’t doubt too long because the tickets are sold out in a few hours.

tip #4, delete cookies

You finally found the plane tickets you need and you’re ready to pay? First things first, delete your browser history or book the tickets on another computer. Your browser stores the cookies and that will create your searching history. In many cases the longer you’re searching, the higher the prices are going to be. Airlines assume that you’re already so far in the buying process that you’re actually going to buy something. Not fair at all for the customer but it happens!

tip #5, there’re enough airports

Fly from a different airport than you used to go, airline prices won’t be that expensive if you choose to look further. So compare the prices with departure from other airports. If it’s possible to book a flight from another airport you will save money.If you’re going to make a long flight, a flight with a stop is way cheaper. This is a good suggestion for long flights.

tip #6, two single tickets

Booking a return flight is not always the cheapest way to buy plane tickets. Sometimes it’s cheaper to buy two single tickets. It’s possible you won’t fly with the same airline but keep in mind it will save a lot of money. Also packet prices are mostly very expensive. The best way is to arrange your own apartment is on a website like www.enjoyapartments.com
tip #7, search for one seatAirlines often sell multiple classes for different prices.So if you travel in groups, search per person. Maybe there is one seat in the cheapest class for free. If you search on four tickets you will get 4 tickets in the same class. At this way some tickets you can buy at the lowest price. If you found tickets in the cheapest class and have a option to select seats, choose a seat next to an empty seat. Then you can book another ticket and select the seat next to the first one. It takes a little bit more time but it will save you money!
tip #8, fly on Tuesday, Wednesday or saturdayThe planes are least full on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday on these days of the week. Using this method will often get you tickets for a low price.tip #9, follow airlines on social mediaYou should follow airlines on social media,you will be up to date to deals that airlines have.  Nowadays everything is promoted on social media, including the discount on the plane ticket you’re looking for.

tip #10, be loyal

When you travel a lot by plane you’re probably rewarded a membership. Sometimes its definitely worth it to book a slightly more expensive ticket. Why? You earn more points on your membership. With these points airlines offer bonuses like free luggage, priority boarding and much more. You need to be informed before you take the decision.

tip #11, off peak season travel

Everyone knows that during the winter months in Europe you don’t see the sun that often. That’s a reason why inside Europe the plane tickets become cheaper. So if you travel low season that will save you money and how nice is a Chrismas market with some snow, wintercoats and gloves.

tip #12, the 24 hour rule

Check after you booked your flight within 24 hours if the prices are decreased. You can rebook your plane ticket for free within 24 hours!

tip #13, compare, compare, compare

There are more websites out there than you can imagine. Take a look at some comparision websites such as Kayak or Trivago and afterwards check again to see what the rates should be.

Tip #14 Skyscanner price alarm

On Skyskanner you can select your own price alarm after you has searched. If you search Barcelona airport(El Prat) you can select the button ”Price alarm” you fill in the form and you will get an email when the prices change.

Tip #15 Budget airlines

We all know Ryanair, airline compy with most of the time particular cheap plane tickets in Europe. Try to combinate a long flight with cheap shorter flight. Search how to get somewhere, wich company is cheap and go futher and less expensive.

Tip #16 no fixed destination

It’s possible that a destination in a pacticular month can be very cheap. If you don’t have a fixed destionation just search for the cheapest tickets. This is also enable at Skyskanner you can choose from …(departure) to everywhere! You can pick your destination by the plane ticket prices.

Tip #17 discount codes

You can find them everywhere discount codes also for plane tickets. When your diceded to book a plane ticket, just google if there are some discount codes. Just search try and use the discount.

Tip 19 # Stay at least one saturday away

Tip 18 # Book on time

Yes there is still something like last minute and yes somethimes ‘s cheap, but generally wisely to book your plane tickets in time. When you look in time you will have much time to compare tickets and finally pick the cheapest tickets.

#rest-25, we are still working on this article to answer: when are flights the cheapest..
please check back soon for more. Do YOU have a tip t
ito add, let us know!

I hope now you know airline prices won’t be that expensive if you follow these tips! Like i mentioned still looking for the right apartment take a look at www.enjoyapartments.com