UPDATE: What Is The Current Situation In Barcelona?

Oct 13, 2017 | Barcelona, Barcelona Guide, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Events Barcelona, What to do in Barcelona

What is the current situation in Barcelona?
We get a lot of messages from family, friends and future guests about the situation in Barcelona at this moment. Of course there is a lot going on. But the image which is shared by the media in other countries is something to think about.

We would like to share our personal thoughts and explain the current situation.


Hop-on-Hop-Off bustour

Daily life in Barcelona
At a normal day, you’ll experience nothing extraordinary when you visit the hot spots. The only thing you can notice is the higher amount of police in the streets. But you find this in many large European cities in the last couple of years due to terrorism alert and prevention.

There can be a manifestation with a lot of Catalan or Spanish flags. But these are held throughout the whole year. To be honest, they can be a bit more intense than at other moments. Usually there is nothing to worry about, it is not violent yet still we believe it is always better to avoid any crowds and demonstrations when abroad, so the same counts here.

We still go to the market, still meet up with our friends in a local bar, still go out for diner and, last but not least, still enjoy our beloved Barcelona. There is nothing changed in the normal daily life.

Safety issue for tourists?
Since we rent tourist apartments, we get a lot of questions from our guests about the safety in Barcelona at the moment. We always tell them that everything is as normal, especially for tourists. Which in fact is the truth. Current media attention is something that can affect their view to our Barcelona. The city of acceptation, where everybody is welcome.

As far as we are concerned, we do believe there is no reason to have any concerns about your safety. Barcelona is a civilized city in a civilized country. It’s still our beloved, favorite, city. If you see some crowded place with a huge amount of ‘estellades’ (The flag from an independent Catalonia), then you can either go and have a look, which should be fine but our advice in this is to choose the other way. Just come to Enjoy your time in Barcelona!

Where can I go?
You can go almost everywhere. Just take into account that most of the manifestations take place at ‘Plaza Catalunya’ ‘Plaza Sant Jaume’ ‘Via Leietana’ ‘Plaza Universitat’ and ‘Arc the Triomf / Ciutadella (where the Catalonian parliament is based)’. If you see a lot of people at one of these places with the flags. Maybe it’s better to choose something else to visit that day. Not that they are angry or aggressive, but just to be sure. No one likes to be in such a crowded place without a reason. Take note that as soon as we hear or know about any demonstration, we inform to our guests so you are always informed and will have no surprises or whatsoever.



The beaches, Barrio Gotico, El Born, the historic city center aren’t affected by the events going on. So they can be visited anytime, whenever you want. All the tourist attractions like ‘La Sagrada Familia’, ‘Parc Güell’ or any of the museums can be visit like they normal are.

If you want to come to Barcelona, do not hesitate a moment! Barcelona is a very open-minded city with a huge cultural diversity. This is also a symbol of Barcelona. There is nothing to worry about. In the normal life is everything as normal. Only thing that increased these days is the amount of flags and the amount of police at the streets. But that’s nothing strange these days.

You can do and see whatever you want, whenever you want.
Remember; Barcelona is still Barcelona. Same shopping, same sightseeing, same sun, same beaches, same people, same tapas, same sangria, same clubbing..