Travelling stress-free on the happiest season of the year

Dec 3, 2015 | About us, Amsterdam Guide, Barcelona Guide, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments

The happiest season of the year has started! But the Christmas stress is on the corner: missing your flight, forgetting your passport, losing your luggage or having to calm down your little elf’s. Avoid these problems and enjoy a calm, peaceful kick-off to the Christmas period with these amazing tips. Santa doesn’t say ho, ho, ho for no reason!

1. Check all your travel documents
Make travel checklists. Check them once, twice or repeatedly until you think you have everything under control. Avoid standing at the check-in with an expired passport. And be aware that your passport should be valid for at least half a year for some destinations. Do you need a visa? The requirements for a visa can be complicated, so make sure you have everything in order when you leave.

2. Label your luggage
Maybe it seems a little old school, especially now that we’ve met with the miracle thing that is called electronic tagging, but luggage tags can save you from the proverbial heart attack if you find out you have lost your luggage. Write the address of your destination on the front of the tag and your home address on the inside of the tag before you leave. Always include an email address or phone number on the luggage tags and rely on the old ‘ slow post ‘ to get it back. Avoid that you accidentally take the wrong bag and screw up a Christmas for several other people. Put something recognizable on your suitcase like a striking key chain.

3. Don’t forget your chargers and adapters
With Christmas and a festive period in the prospect it would be a shame if you couldn’t take a selfie with a Santa Claus hat or take a picture of a by you personally flambeed Christmas pudding. Be sure that you bring all the chargers including phones, laptops and the right adapter for your destination. With a universal adapter, you can’t turn the shelf wrong, that way you can check important mail while you’re in the Christmas party excitement.

4. Packing? Don’t make it to heavy!
You’re not traveling with Santa’s sleigh so leave all unnecessary items at home. It will save you the stress of maneuvering through the airport between masses of people and high baggage fees. As long as you bring your new Christmas  sweater and elastic pants to hide the excess Christmas food, you’re good. Leave the rest at home.

5. Hide your liquids in a clear back
The rows at the security can be very long, especially during the holiday period. Save time by putting all your liquids in 100 ml bottles and gather them in a transparent, resealable plastic bag. Store your laptop or electrical equipment on top so you have easy access when you have to go thru the security check. This way you will be a little bit faster and you will still have time to do last-minute Christmas shopping, tax-free!

6. Travel at a good time
Christmas means: family and chilling. Arriving with red eyes in the middle of the night, is not chill. Maybe you want to have a cheap airline ticket and you travel on an unfavorable time because it is cheaper, but arriving fresh and fruity on your destination is also worth something. So if at all possible, you should book a flight on a normal time. Set the alarm clock or ask the hotel reception to call to wake you up to make sure you don’t miss your flight! Reserve a taxi, because it’s probably very busy at the taxi station and otherwise your taxi won’t be on time.

7. Take games for the kids with you
Entertain your children when on board and take games to keep them busy during the flight. Coloring books, stickers, a portable DVD player, smartphone games are all good options. This way those little elves won’t be bothering you or other people in the plane.

8. Bring something to snack
Does the tension rise as your blood sugar is dropping? Avoid getting an expensive sandwich at the airport and bring your own snacks for when you’re getting hungry (crazy enough you’re way more hungry when travelling). Make sure you know what you can and can’t bring on the airplane so they don’t take your food away.

9. Watch out for alcohol
Immersing yourself in the Christmas atmosphere we’re definitely encouraging, but getting drunk on the airport or in the air is not something we recommend. You miss your flight, annoy other passengers or are arriving at your destination with the feeling: i want to go to my bed. Save yourself a big headache and wait until you’re landed to toast on this wonderful time of the year.

Did these tips work for you or do you have some other tips to help your fellow man? Let us know by social media or the comments below!