Traveling is something that will cost time, but we only stay 24 hours in Madrid!

Nov 29, 2016 | Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Madrid, Tips Enjoy Apartments

Traveling is something that will cost time, not every one has that time. You’re only free in the weekends, or you just have a busy life. So we are going to do a 24 hours trip in…. Madrid!

10AM time for breakfast!
The Spanish breakfast is not comprehensive: a sweet bread and a strong coffee, that’s it. A comprehevensive breakfast does not belong to the morning routine. To live like the locals you should get your breakfast on the go. A good place to get your breakfast is Mercado de San Miguel. All the bakery’s are ready to provide you with a sweet bread. You can eat it outside on the square or while walking to your next destination.

11AM trainstation Atochna
Trainstation Atocha is a beautiful building with as peak the pretty tropical inside garden. Many people come here to look at turtles and other creatures. It’s really cool to walk about in the tropical station!

11:30AM Museum Reina Sofia
This museum is against the trainstation Atochna and definitely a must see. The museum Reina Sofia is a Madrid museum off modern art. This special building has art from artist as Milo and the famous Guernica made by Picasso. Make sure you reserve tickets, so you can avoid the always long waiting lines because we only got 24 hours in Madrid!

2PM Lunchtime
Time to eat and sit down lets enjoy lunch at El Viajero (the traveller). This spot has three floors on Plaza de la Cebada near the famous El rastro market. When you here you really need to taste the chorizo and the salchichas (sausages). But also the salad and couscous tastes great. The prices are really reasonable, but prepare yourself it’s always busy at El Viajero. With good tempratures you should eat on the terrace and enjoy the view.

3:30PM Relax in Parque del Retiro
From the lunch spot it’s just 25 minutes in the metro to the biggest and most famous park of the city. I’m talking about Parque del Retiro. In Madrid there is a 90% chance that you will have sunny weather no matter which season it is. Make a beautiful walk, get in a boat on the lake or just lay down and enjoy, there is enough to choose.

5PM Tour in the city
Leave the park through Plaza del Cibeles, this is the place where the former post office is shining in the sun. Just walk inside and be amazed. Most of the time you can see a free exhibition and when you’re on top of the building you will have a great view over the city. After you saw the post office you walk back to the inner city through Puerta del Sol. This is a central point where all the shopping streets come together. Time to shop is definitely a option here. After the shopping part you can to Plaza Mayor with a lot of terraces. Have a drink again and sit down.

8PM Dinner
It’s time for food! Actually you can get food at any corner of the streets. So choose a restaurant with the food you prefer, make sure there is no one trying to get you in. Why? When they’re directed to tourists it means the food/money ratio won’t be good.  In a city like this with so much delicous food you cant just choose… But don’t forget Spain is the country of tapas!

11PM Going out in Malasaña
The village Malasaña is really recommended for day and midnight, This area is a happening and has so many stylisch spanish and international people. Over here you can enjoy the spanisch nightlife without the touristic bars. The nightlife in Madrid is more focused on Rock and less Pop and House so prepare yourself for an alternative experience.

Now you know it is an option to see a part off Madrid in 24 hours! No excuses anymore, let’s go!
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