Top Spots To Get Free Wifi On Curacao?

Aug 13, 2013 | Curacao Guide, Enjoy Apartments, Highlight Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments, Wi-Fi Curacao

The Hotspots for Free Wi-Fi on Curacao

Curacao is one of the most favored vacationing places all over the world. There are plenty of indoor and outdoor activities to enjoy there are the night club life is just a new experience. However, one must consider the most important aspects of a good vacation and one of them is uninterrupted internet connection. There are plenty of places where you can get free WiFi on Curacao and one can take advantage of them and keep communicating. Some of these are bars, restaurants, clubs and resorts not to mention other places where people convene. Here are some hotspots for free Wi-Fi around Curacao:


The Hato Airport

Being in or near the Hato airport will assure you uninterrupted WiFi, for free. One can take advantage of this when waiting for flights in and out of Curacao and also during other times. One can frequent the lounges and the restaurants around the airport if they want to get connected to loved ones abroad. This free Wi-Fi offered by airport authorities will never fail you whether day or night and it is definitely a way for them to attract customers. This is one place you will be sure to stay connected for long and enjoy free internet the whole day.



The Royal Sea Aquarium Resort and the Baoase Beach Resort are some of the most famous places to stay when on vacation in Curacao. Most of these will have free Wi-Fi in their premises but you can only enjoy these if you are inside the resorts. The Curacao Marriott Beach Resort is however known to charge exorbitant rates for internet connection and this is one place you will not get free internet. However, rather than paying the costly AT&T data roaming cards for iPhones, it is cheaper to pay for the Wi-Fi in hotels. There are many hotels in Curacao and not all of them will charge high rates.


 The Curacao plaza Casino

This is one place you will get free Wi-Fi. They are also close to the Hato airport so staying there is really a convenient choice. This is one of the best scuba diving resorts in the world and so you will have lots of fun there. The free Wi-Fi is good for rainy days when outdoor activities are not possible and also for people who are physically disabled and so cannot engage in the outdoor games. And being the gateway to Willemstad’s beautiful culture and exotic shops, there is no doubt that staying here will give you an experience of a lifetime.

Free wifi in Curacao

Restaurant Zanzibar Beach & Restaurant

The Zanzi bar en restaurant has a good menu but is also good to just drink something and of course use the free wifi on Curacao. They can offer they can also offer snorkeling trips or water sports but if you prefer to relax some more you can enjoy a massage at the spa by the beach.


Apartments in Curaçao

Most apartment rentals from enjoy-apartments in Curacao will have free Wi-Fi. Curacao island rentals are some of the most loved and oldest places to stay on vacation. As you enjoy the white sandy beaches and the hotels and casinos, know all the greatest spots for free Wi-Fi and your stay will be enjoyable. Most of these will be labeled as a form of advertising. One can also ask the tourist board to help them out.

Do you know more WiFi spots or do you have more tips? Then please leave a response!