Things to do in Vienna

Mar 17, 2017 | Enjoy

Vienna ist anders
Vienna is the city of grandeur and nostalgia, music and visual arts, at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe. As the Austrians say by them self: “Wien ist anders”. Nearly seven centuries the capital of the Habsburg Empire and since 1918 of Austria: Vienna’s historic city par excellence and bears distinct traces of the remarkable role it has played throughout the centuries. How thoroughly Vienna was destroyed again during the attacks of the Ottomans, the Napoleonic Wars and World War II, repeatedly scrambled the brave feet. The urge to maintain the high prestige and to continue to take a leading position, just the main reason why most descend to Vienna: They come to enjoy the signs of a rich and long history. The romantic, tragic and some old-fashioned atmosphere of the glorious days of yore. For many visitors the most fascinating attraction pole of the city remains therefore the exhibit and flow together of opposites.

Vienna also offers delightful surprises: discover a nonchalant, tolerant, almost cheerful and carefree town, with intelligent life, green areas and authentic pieces of countryside. Vienna can not be captured in definition. Everyone experiences the city according to his own dreams, illusions and clichés and discover guarantee anything Anyway Vienna never let you indifferent and sets it rarely disappoints. The spell is subsequently even stronger: Simply irresistible desire to return to a fixed impression to see if a misconception to help the world.

The Hundertwasser House is named after the architect who designed the house. Hundertwasser is sometimes compared to Gaudi, like Gaudi’s designs are Hundertwasser a reaction against the dull architectural styles in the city and at the same time an attempt architecture closer to nature. The building has some wavy lines and eye-catching bright colors. The building served as a shelter for various social housing. In 1982 the building was completely renovated, it grew quickly into a true tourist attraction


Spanish Riding School
The unique Spanish Riding School is worth visiting even if you’re not a true horse lover. Here the classical high art of riding is taught in a stunning arena with the aim of creating perfect harmony between horse and rider. Do you want to admire the classical riding with your own eyes? The shows that are staged on the weekend last 45 min. Of which the quadrille with eight horses is the absolute highlight.


The Belvedere is a magnificent Viennese palace complex consisting of two Baroque palaces, namely the Upper and the Lower. The Upper is a breathtaking palace that attracts your attention from the first moment. Not only the view is phenomenal, but it also contains some gems of art such as “The Kiss” and “Judith” by artist G. Klimt. A beautiful collection of Baroque paintings and sculptures you see in the Lower. One of the highlights is undoubtedly the marble hall which is beautifully decorated with plaster reliefs and statues. Between the Lower Belvedere and the Upper Belvedere is stunning palace gardens.


Symbol of Vienna is without a doubt Stephen’s Cathedral. The most important Gothic building in the center of the city is also known as “Steffi” in the vernacular. During World War II the monument was completely destroyed and rebuilt in 1952. Opposite of the Stephansdom is Dom-und Diocezanmuseum located where all the treasures of the cathedral are housed. For sportive people there is a stair with 343 steps of the Stephansdom and see the whole city.


The Donauturm, located in the Donau park, is designed in 1964 on the occasion of the Vienna International Garden Show. Overcome 776 steps, or take the elevator and pictoral an beautiful view over the whole city. Did you get hungry? No problem, There is a revolving restaurant with a diner. After diner you can make an eveningwalking in the surrounding park.


Zoo Schönbrunn
Zoo Schönbrunn is established in 1752 and belongs to one of the oldest Zoos of the world. The zoo is situated in the garden of Schloss Schönbrunn The highlights of this vienna zoo are the pandas Yangyang and Long Huis and mongooses.
