Things to do in Barcelona during September!

Sep 3, 2019 | Enjoy

You might think that in September everything will go back to normal in Barcelona, people go to work again, kids go back to school and summer is nearly ending. Well you thought wrong! In September Barcelona is still hot and happening. The weather is actually really nice because it´s not that ‘caliente’ anymore. If you like street festivals this is one of the best months to go to Barcelona. Here are some events to go to in September. Enjoy!

Festa Major del Poblenou

September 6th – September 15th

Festa Major del Poblenou is a 7-day festival. It is located in Poblenou, an older part of the city. There used to be a lot of factories, nowadays those are used for artist and designers. In this week you can check them out. A great way to explore creativity and art in Barcelona. During this week there will also be a lot of music, parades and correfocs. The main event is the firework show on Sunday at the beach. So if you like art, music and fireworks this will absolutely be your kind of festival.

La diada

The 11th of September 

La diada or La Diada Nacional de Catalunya is an annual holiday. It honours the fall of Barcelona during the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714. There are flower offerings at Fossar de les Moreres and at the statue of Rafael Casanova. On this day the streets will also fill up with thousands of Catalans who are demonstrating for their political rights. The protest will be in the main streets of Barcelona: Creu Coberta, Tarragona, Gran Via, Paral·lel and Maria Cristina. So if you were planning on going there on the 11th of September, bear in mind that it will be very crowded.

La Mercè

September 20 – September 24

La Mercè or Festes de la Mercè is a 5 day street festival. Although the actual feast day is on the 24th of September, the festivities start a few days earlier. It is about honouring the Mare de Deu de la Mercè, the Patron Saint of Barcelona. The activities vary between concerts, to wine tasting to a contest of human towers, yes! you read that right. It’s a Catalan tradition, the contest is about what human tower stands the longest. One of the other main events that you should definitely check out is the correfoc, people dress up as devils and run around with fireworks on music. Make sure you don´t stand too close, because otherwise you can get a little burned! La Mercè is the best festival to go to if you want to have a great day or night with your friends, if you want to learn more about the culture and of course if you like good music with a nice refreshing drink. As there is a lot going on in the days of the festival, the best thing you can do before going is check out the programme.

If you are visiting Barcelona near the end of September there will also be a festival.

Festa Major de la Barceloneta

September 27th – October 6th

This is a fun festival in Barceloneta, Barceloneta is the part of Barcelona closest to the beach. It is organized by the Neighbourhood Association of Barceloneta. It includes a lot of music and food. Just as in other Catalan festivals, people like to decorate their streets and organize events regarding the festival. The habaneras are songs that you will definitely hear at the festival, they are songs that Cuban immigrants brought back to Catalonia. Besides that, one of the main events is the cannon parade, it always takes place on the Sunday of the event. Children really enjoy this event because the canons fire sweets instead of cannonballs. Great festival if you have kids, or if you enjoy some candy yourself of course 🙂

Let us know if you went to one of the events, and tell us what you thought of it!

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