These sights you shouldn’t miss during your trip in Rio de Janeiro.

Mar 31, 2016 | About us, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Events Rio de Janeiro, Highlight Apartments, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Guide, What to do in Rio de Janeiro

Sun, sea, beach, music and lots of fun. Sometime in your life you must have been to Rio de Janeiro. We have listed the top 5 attractions to help you a little bit. Enjoy!

1. Beaches

The city’s odd geography means that there are plenty to choose from! In summer, you’ll have a couple of drinks at one of the beach bars. Coconut juice drunk straight out of a cooled green coconut is the perfect choice for a drink on a summer day. It’s also cheap and refreshing! Each beach has its own strictly delimited communities. So if you don’t like where you are, walk 200 meters and the people will be different.

It’s also refreshing to see that individuals of all type of body are welcome on Rio’s beaches; you’ll see individuals of every size and shape sunbathing, swimming, or playing beach volleyball. So if you have a bit of a problem about your body, this might be a good place for you to come.

2.Sugar Loaf

One of Rio’s most visit signs, the Suger Loaf Brazil rock formation dominates the skyline.

It’s possible to hike to the top but most of the people take the cable car. The anti-glare windows offers stunning views during the two stages of the ride.

After you reach the top, you’ll find a stunning 360 degree panorama of the city and ocean.

3. Selarón Steps

In the suburban area of Lapa, you will find one of the city’s most interesting signs: The Selarón Actions. A Chilean artist, Jorge Selarón, that lived in one of your houses off the steps, began embellishing them with tiles as well as bits of a damaged dishware in 1990.

Today nearly every square centimeter of the steps and also their surrounding walls are decorated in a striking mosaic.

4. Christ the Redeemer

On a high cliff above the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro is the 38-meter high statue of Christ. The monumental Christ the Redeemer with outstretched arms, symbolizing for Christians the promise of salvation and at the same time, the openness of Rio de Janeiro in front of visitors.

5. Santa Teresa

Relax and drink something in Santa Teresa. They have a lot of nice things, like street art, cafes and galleries. Walking in the narrow streets to explore the area is a big experience.  Walk until you find a café you like and enjoy the amazing vibe in this area.


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