The secrets of Rome

Apr 10, 2015 | Barcelona Guide

Yes! The first blog about our new destination Rome! Read and enjoy! Leave a comment and share your opinion. This blog tells you not touristy secrets.


Rome the city of the Romans, the beautiful historic buildings and that is known by its delicious food but mostly will you be disappointed about the “Italian kitchen”. Hot Dog Vendors in the street, full of artificial ice cream, overpriced pastas …

Of course there are many opportunities to eat fantastic for a good price in Rome. In fact, if you know where you have to go in Rome it is a culinary heaven and an absolute mecca for foodies.

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Visit the great addresses in the districts Testaccio and Monti, where you can eat delicious for reasonable prices.

The Roman area Testaccio is a paradise for foodies. This typical neighborhood isn’t familiar by the tourist and that makes this place special. You find here only the locals! Thanks to the big market and the many restaurants. Come over here and taste the real Rome.

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Monti the place for coffee, lunch and dinner. It is defiantly one of the most hippie areas of Rome. It is very close to the Colloseum. You will find here fine wine bars and nice restaurants. A must go for the foodies between us! There you have several places. Our favorite Boulangerie Monti, you can find lots of healthy goodies! For example: suppli, pizza, focaccia, sandwiches, pies… You can create a whole picnic if you want! Take the metro. It’s the easiest way to come here! Stop at Cavour and you will be there!

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Mercato di Campagna Amica, also known as the Farmers Market. You can find this covered market in Via San Teodoro, near the Circus Maximus. Every Saturday and Sunday you can visit this market (on Saturdays until 18 pm on Sunday until 17 pm)

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The Mercato di Campagna Amica is located at the place where ever the oldest Jewish fish market was held.

Full of fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, cheeses, fish, olive oil, honey and numerous regional specialties. Who is looking for original taste of Rome is here at the good address. Huge piles of artichokes (Roman specialty)Walk when you are visit the market to the open place, like a garden. There you will find fresh herb and vegetable gardens.rome-blog-4


Close to these hotspots offers Enjoy Apartments quality apartments in a safe area. We will help you to find the best place for you. And we can tell you more secrets about Rome! Contact us and meet Enjoy Apartments in Rome.