Sleeping In a Airplane.. Loud People, Turbulence and Just One Seat.

Oct 20, 2016 | About us, Barcelona Guide, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Events Barcelona, Tips Enjoy Apartments

You’re finaly going on holiday or citytrip by airplane.It doesn’t matter if it’s a short or long flight, it’s always good to have some sleep in the airplane. But how? There are many people making noise and you have just one small seat… But ofcourse it’s possible to have some sleep in the airplane. In this blogpost you will read 5 tips about sleeping in a airplane!

Tip 1
It all starts with choosing the right seat.You want to sleep so choose the seat at the window side. First of all you don’t have to get up when one of your neighboursneeds to use the toilet or just want to stretch their legs. You’re less affected by the crew with their clinking food cars in the aisle. If you’re smart you take a vest or neckpillow with you to put against the side of the plane to sleep on.

Tip 2
In a airplane it will never be quiet. There is always a lot of noise from the crew, people around you and motors of the plane. Just take some earplugs’s or headphones with you, iit makes so much difference when you hear your own music instead of the annoying sounds around you.  To improve your sleep it will help to make a playlist with calm music this is very soothing.

Tip 3
When you want to sleep you’re used to sleep in a in a dark area. Most of the time it isn’t that dark in the airplane. To create a better sleeping spot you can take a sleeping mask with you. The first asset is that you have your dark area. Another asset is that people know you want to sleep and won’t disturb you! Its a win win situation.

Tip 4
When you sleep at home you will never sleep in your tight skinny jeans, fancy blouse or skirt. If you want to sleep you need to feel comfortable. This is the same when your trying to sleep in the airplane. You don’t have to wear a sweatpant and a sweater, but get dressed in a outfit that feels comfortablefor you to sleep in. Put clothes on in layers, because the temprature in the plane will change. When you wear layers you can adjust to the temprature.

Tip 5
If you want to sleep and be undisturbed, make sure that the crew can see your seatbelt. Why? If there is turbulence you need to close your seatbelt. If there is upcoming turbulence you will be waked by the crew to close your seatbelt. If you keep your seatbelt closed the whole flight there is no waking up by stewards. That means you have all the time to sleep!

As you can read sleeping in a airplane isn’t impossible and hopefully these tips will make you’re flight more comfortable! Even when there is annoying noise and turbulence.
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