Sales in Barcelona: “Rebajas / Rebaixes”.

Jul 1, 2012 | Barcelona Guide

It started! The famous sales in Barcelona have started. If you want to enjoy the best “rebajas” which means sales in Spanish, or “rebaixes” in Catalan you should travel to the city in July. Every July all seasonal items will get their special price.
And, yes: for some things the crisis helps.. big-time! As opposite to other years where you could only find small discounts of up to 30%, this year the shops of Barcelona are literally giving it away! Search good and you will find discount of 70 or 75%! In fact, Enjoy Apartments’ guests that stay in our apartments for rent in Barcelona ask a lot what to do in Barcelona in July.
It is obviously quite warm in July which gives another reason for you to cool off at one of the shops as practically all of them have air-conditioning. The best areas to shop in Barcelona are located a bit outside the city core (red. Ramblas, Plaza Catalunya). Close to the traditional markets you usually can find nice and not very touristy shops.
That augments your possibilities to find a “ganga” (gem). The traditional Barcelona markets are “Mercat de Sant Antoni”. Around the “Mercat de Sant Antoni” you will find many shops for buying travel items and leather bags if you need to stack your other purchases in a new suitcase you know where to go. For clothing you can look around the “Mercat del Ninot”, near the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona.
For discount in brand items you will need to look for another place because around the markets they usually sell white label merchandise. Good quality, good price but no brand.
So, apart from the magnificent beaches and sightseeing possibilities that Barcelona has, we can definitely recommend you go to visit this year’s sales in Barcelona.