QR codes and Mobile World Congress

Nov 9, 2011 | Barcelona Guide

An interview with One Shoe Mobile (Part 1)

The increasing use of ‘QR codes’ was one of the buzz topics this year at Mobile World Congress and is sure to receive a lot of more attention at MWC 2012. As Enjoy Barcelona launches our first QR code – with plenty more to come! – we thought we would talk about mobile apps, QR codes and making the most of Mobile World Congress with the rapidly expanding mobile business, Netherlands-based One Shoe Mobile.

“One Shoe mobile is growing steady and fast. We are working for many big clients based in The Netherlands who also serve an international base like PostNL, Deloitte, TNT Express, Hunkemoller, ING, Sanoma. More than 40 employees are working for One Shoe right now and we are searching for more people,” explains Ronald de Groot, Commercial Manager at One Shoe Mobile.

Ronald has attended Mobile World Congress in previous years and offers some advice to businesses considering attending: “If you’re a mobile agency and you are attending MWC 2012, you need a wide range of apps, mobile websites or mobile campaigns with true value in your portfolio. By ‘true value’, I mean mobile services, which:

  • help organizations to better their client relationships,
  • make their business processes more efficient,
  • support their brand values,
  • are integrated into their marketing and communication-mix, and
  • drive growth.”

As One Shoe Mobile has grown, Ronald has really grown to appreciate the fundamental ways mobile has impacted on our society: “Mobile phones have completely changed the lifestyle of the people – how we communicate, how we create and maintain relationships, how we entertain ourselves, how we shop and work. Mobile agencies have to inform and advise companies on how mobile can support a business’ services, brand values and objectives. Organizations should be informed about the possibilities of mobile (should we develop an app? on which operating system? a mobile website? should we use QR-codes?) and the most appropriate solution has to be recommended. So if you are a mobile agency, ensure you have a wide range of valuable mobile services in your portfolio.”

MWC12Currently, One Shoe Mobile is working on their newest product: Adbridge. “The QR-code is very hot currently and Adbridge is the perfect system to manage QR-codes. Organizations can use Adbridge to create campaigns and QR-codes. Adbridge generates statistics of the QR-codes and give interesting insights into your offline advertising. Indeed, the release of Adbridge makes everything busier. Adbridge is a perfect tool to introduce at the Mobile World Congress, but we have to make it more attractive and better. We want to build new features, which is necessary for further success.”

MWC 2012 blog QR code teaserQR (Quick Response) codes are those fuzzy pixelated blocks you increasingly see on stickers and labels, in magazines, on posters and in catalogs. Using a scanner app like ScanLife, your mobile device can read the QR code and link through to special content that often rewards a customer for using it.

Try it now! We have developed our first QR code for our Enjoy Barcelona site! Scan the QR code on this page to find out more about an upcoming event for apps developers. Share with us on facebook and in our comments below your ideas about how we can use QR codes, or what special benefits you would like to receive for using our QR codes in the future.

In the second part of our interview with Ronald, we look at recent apps One Shoe Mobile has developed and hear Ronald’s advice on deciding to participate in MWC 2012. Meanwhile, you can also see our Enjoy Barcelona site for some of the most comfortable Barcelona apartments to stay in while attending Mobile World Congress.