How to pack your hand luggage efficiently!

Oct 10, 2016 | About us, Barcelona Guide, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Events Barcelona, Tips Enjoy Apartments


When you are going on a short trip you might only take your hand luggage with you. Packing your hand luggage can be very chaotic. The consequence of this can be to forget important stuff but also taking unimportant stuff with you. How do you pack your hand luggage efficiently? In this post we’ll give you some tips.

Tip 1 weight and dimensions

What are the maximum dimensions and weight of the hand luggage? The dimensions and weight are mentioned on the website of the airline company. By knowing this you’re sure that you can take your hand luggage with you. When the suitcase is too heavy or too big it has to be checked-in and that will cost a lot of money. This will be a wrong way to start your holiday. When you’re up to date you can you pack your hand luggage efficiently and you get the maximum out of your hand luggage.

Tip 2 liquids

When you’re going on holiday you need to take  personal care products with you, like shampoo, perfume and body lotion. If you travel with hand luggage only, you need to remember the maximum amounts. In total you can bring a maximum of 1 liter liquid. You need to divide it to separate packings with a maximum of 100 milliliters. The liquids need to be packed in something like an toiletbag. When you buy liquids at the airport you can take it with you if it is sealed and you have the receipt.

Tip 3 Enough space

When you are packing you prefer taking your whole closet but that will never fit. An inportant thing is to pack your hand luggage efficiently. Before you start packing you need to think about what is necessary, this prevents taking useless stuff with you. Write down what you really need. Keep in mind what kind of weather it is gonna be. When you are picking clothes don’t choose random garments. Make some sets then you’re sure it will match and you don’t waste any space of clothes you won’t wear.Roll your clothes instead of folding it,when you roll it the clothes will wrinkle less and it takes less space. A trick to get less weight, you should wear that thick sweater and the leather jacket when you’re going on the plane instead put it in your hand luggage.