One Tree Planted and Enjoy Apartments

Apr 6, 2018 | About us, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Highlight Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments

One Tree Planted and Enjoy Apartments


Recently we made a partnership with the company One Tree Planted to create a new project. First I am going to tell you more about the company One Tree Planted and about what they do and then I will explain our partnership with One Tree Planted to you.


One tree planted is a non-profit charity based in Vermont and they are focused on global reforestation. With every dollar that they receive they will plant one tree. The company one tree planted started in 2014 and they help with projects all over the world. They have projects in North America, Latin America, Asia and in Africa. Onetreeplanted also works together with companies and helps them to get greener. Giving back to nature doesn’t have to be complicated. Planting trees is one of the simplest things we can do for the environment, while also having a big impact on biodiversity, climate change, and health. Matt hill is the Chief Environmental Evangelist of One Tree Planted.  He created One Tree Planted after over 15 years of experience as an educator, business leader and eco-adventurer to help individuals and businesses make real progress towards a greener world. And as a father and nature-lover, he wants to make sure future generations can enjoy the great outdoors.

One tree planted has different project that they work on. Most of them help with restoration from forest fires or floods and they also help with providing jobs restore habitat for biodiversity. For example one of their projects plants trees at the east coast of the United States where a lot of forests have been destroyed by several fires in 2017. Planting trees in these areas help prevent wildfires from spreading and young, healthy forests can help suppress future wildfires and reduce the impact of smoke on public health. Trees play an important role in the vitality of California communities. With peoples donations it will help with their project plant trees and restore forests throughout California. These foresters work hard to promote improved vegetation planning and resource management, helping to reduce the risk of catastrophic fires and floods in the region.

Today we are losing forests at a faster rate than we are replacing them, but you can help to reverse this trend. Trees help with cleaning the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, they provide habitat over 80% of the world’s biodiversity, provide health in so many ways and trees absorb carbon from our atmosphere. The focus of One Tree Planted is to plant trees in areas where they are needed the most and where they can make a range of positive impacts. To maximize the impact of peoples donation, One Tree Planted will determine the most appropriate species of tree to plant, depending on the time of year. One Tree Planted wants to make it simple for people to help plant trees all around the world with every dollar donated it helps to plant a tree.


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If you want to help One Tree Planted outside of our project, you can make a donation of 1$ for 1 tree! That sounds great right? Go to their website to make a donation.

We, Enjoy Apartments, are an apartment agency with over more than 12 years of experience. We would like to give something back to the nature and do something positive for the environment. Giving something back to the nature doesn’t have to be complicated. Actually planting trees is pretty simple but we can’t do it on our own. We recently started a partnership with the company one tree planted to plant trees and make Enjoy Apartments a greener company. One Tree Planted will plant trees for our company with their amazing project all around the world. But we can’t do it alone so we need the help of our customers. How can you help? Well for every online feedback that we get from our customers we will donate one tree to One Tree Planted. We are always looking for ways to improve ourselves and with the help of online feedback we can do that. And because we also want to do something good for our enviorment so we decided to plant trees. We wanted to make a project about this so here is our Green Project. Together with all of our guests and One Tree Planted we want to make the world greener!

The reason we decided to plant trees instead of supporting other causes is because planting trees can fight climate change, it restarts the water cycles and it turns deserts back into fertile forests and provides nutrition. We want to become a greener company and we believe that trees can change people’s lives. The positive effects that trees can have on our environment and the people living in it are as versatile as the different shapes the trees come in.

If you want to help, you can give us online feedback here. And with every online feedback that we get we will plant one tree. You can give us a review on Google and Innova

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