The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, 6 facts you didn´t now about this city!

Jun 22, 2016 | Destinations, Enjoy, Events Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Guide, What to do in Rio de Janeiro

In a couple of weeks the Olympic Games take place in Rio de Janeiro. The big city of Carnival, white sandy beaches and his soaring mountains has this year the honor to host the Olympic Games. What do you know about this metropolitan? We collect a couple of fun facts you probably didn´t know about Rio!
How about Rio?
Rio de Janeiro is a big city in Brasil, with its 11,7 million inhabitants its in the top 20 of the biggest cities in the world. There is only one city that is bigger in Brasil and that is Sao Paolo with its 20,4 million inhabitants. There are also a lot of slums, it´s estimated that 6% of the population of Rio lives in one of the 600 slums or shanty towns. Though, the violence in Rio is a lot lower then in the rest of Brasil (and it´s safer then Detroit!)

Where is the river?!
Rio de Janeiro is Portuguese for the river of January. But.. Where is the river? Rio de Janeiro is named by a mistake, there isn´t even a river. The explorer of the city, thought he arrived in January at the mouth of a river (actually it was the huge Guanabara bay in Brazil). So there was the name: Rio de Janeiro.

street art
Legalisation of the street art!
The government of Rio has decided that they have to encourage the art in the city so they legalized street art. Rio de Janeiro is famous about his street art and in combination with the rich mosaic that adores the city, Rio has become a giant canvas for street art. When in Rio, you´ll have to visit Santa Teresa, the district with a lot of colorful street art.

Rio: City of the snacks

Street food, bar food and so on.. Rio has a lot of options to eat. This big city has a lot of surprising and delicious typical snacks to offer like PÃO de Queijo – the little balls with melting cheese- and the known pastels -pastry filled with cheese, meat or vegetables-  are very populair in Rio. Thereby THE dish of Rio the Feijoada is definitely a must taste! This stew with pork, beef and black beans is a dish that is always eaten when there is something to celebrate.

Stuck by lightning
The largest art deco statue in the world, Christ the Redeemer, is frequently stuck by thunder and lightning. The building, which represents Jesus as the Redeemer of the world, is located at 710 m height on the Corcovado peak. funny fact: In 2008 Christ lost his eyebrow and fingers because of the thunder and lightning.


World´s biggest party
Since the 18th century Carnival in Rio de Janeiro has grown as the biggest party of the world. Every year more than 5 million people visit Rio de Janeiro to celebrate and more than 5000 dancers take part in the show. The Carnival is famous because of the sambas and the very colorful costumes and dancers who take part in the procession. When you are visiting Rio in February, you really have to go to this stunning party!

Do you want to visit the Olympic Games or do you just want to visit Rio de Janeiro? Check our apartments!