Mobile World Congress Extended: In Barcelona Until 2018!

Jul 23, 2011 | Barcelona Guide

Good news for all you techies and technology-lovers: the organisation of the Mobile World Congress has extended the compromise it has with Barcelona as organising city until 2018. Last Friday the news was made public.

After a knock-out, Barcelona was chosen over cities such as Munich, Paris and Milan. In total there were 30 candidate cities but the public transportation, culture and especially the Barcelona venues for the MWC was so convincing that the verdict favoured the traditionally mobile city once again for the coming 6 editions.

The only change announced by the MWC organisation is that the venue will be at Fira Barcelona Gran Via instead of the Fira Barcelona Montjuich. This offers a larger space (however is less practical for the visitor). If you are interested in going to the coming 2012 edition of MWC, don’t hesitate to look for your Barcelona apartments rental now already and leave this fixed before they sell out!