Let’s Get On The Airplane, Tips To Fly With Young Kids!

Dec 2, 2016 | About us, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments

The first time you travel with your child or children is really exciting. You know that travelling with your children by car is a challenge, but travelling with the airplane will also bring some preparing. In this blogpost tips to fly with young kids!

Tip one #Bring food with you on the plane
Don’t count on good meals for the kids during the flight. Prepare yourself and bring your own food. You need to remember you can’t take food with you through de customs. So make sure you have enough time to buy some food after the check-in from the customs. Now you’re sure your children won’t nag “I’m hungry” or “I don’t like this food”.

Tip two #Bring toys with you
This one seems pretty obvious but there are enough parents that pack the toys in their normal luggage. Make sure you also put some toys in your hand luggage, on the airplane there is nothing to play with. When you bring your toys, you can make sure that your child can play and won’t get bored that fast.

Tip three #Boarding as late as possible
You’ll  always have those people that directly get in line when boarding starts. While you will be waiting in front of the plane standing in the aisle. Instead of standing in the line, go boarding as late as possible. Go boarding when the waiting line is almost over, this will be better for the kids

Tip four #Choose one guide for the flight
Mom and dad need to make a choice, who will take the kid on the lap. Calmness for the kid is an important thing,  when you’re in a new and strange area. When you’re  often going to switch your kid from mom to dad from dad to granny , then there will be unrest. I can guarantee you, your kid will cry during the flight so prevent yourself from it.

Tip five #Make friends with your neighbours
The people next to you on the flight are most of the time not waiting for ”neighbours” with a young child. When you get on the plane talk to them, tell them you’re doing your best to have a calm flight with your child. Most people will understand it and won’t look annoyed when your child is starting to cry.

Tip six #Bring a pillow and blanket with you
Small kids can sit on the pillow, which will give them a better view through the window. Also this makes their seat more comfortable and it will be great to sleep on. With the blanket you will make sure your kind won’t be cold. In the airplane temperatures changes and it can be cold up in the sky.

Tip seven #Close the screens from the window

Ask if your neighbours are fine with closing the screens from the window, when your child is going to sleep. A dark area makes it easier to fall asleep for your child. You can also bring a blanket to make it a darker.

Tip eight #Cheap buggy
You just bought a expensive buggy and it’s all damaged when you take it off the luggage belt. The airport staff will throw with your buggy. So buy a cheap buggy for travelling, so it won’t matter when the airport staff throws with your buggy.

Now your flight with young kids should be easier! Still looking for a destination to fly to? Look at our Enjoy Apartments website to choose your destination and book the best apartment.