Learn how to make Gambas al Ajillo the authentic way!

May 24, 2013 | Barcelona Guide

Gambas al Ajillo

This typical Spanish dish is really to lick your fingers with, and easy to make! We will show you how to make Gambas al Ajillo, (Gambas in garlic). There are many variations of this dish available, but the one that I’m giving you right now is my personal favorite.

The secret of this delicious meal is the bouillon, which we make from the carcasses of the gambas and later on add it to the oil. We cook everything together for a couples of minutes untill we have a strong garlic sauce. Gambas al Ajillo on its best!

What do we need?

  • 24 gambas (sorting 31/40 lbs) raw and unpeeled
  • 8 garlic cloves in slices (2-4 mm)
  • 2 garlic cloves pressed (for the bouillon)
  • 1 Spanish pepper in slices
  • 1/3 cup of olive oil
  • 2 cups of water
  • ½ thee spoon of sea salt
  • ample parsley chopped finely
  • ample citron or lime juice (freshly squeezed)
  • ample self sliced fresh bread (to dip in the sauce)

How do we make it?

The Gambas al Ajillo are more easily to make than it seems like.

–          Peel the gambas, leave the tail on and save the carcasses.

–          Put a centimeter water in a saucepan, add two garlic cloves (pressed) and the carcasses. Boil out the carcasses till there is a half centimeter of    water remaining, get the whole stuff to a fine strainer and keep it.

–          Heat the olive oil in a small fry pan or wok and add the garlic cloves and Spanish pepper, heat it till the garlic turns lightly brown.

–          Add the gambas, stir well and put the fire up to fry the gambas.

–          When the gambas are fried and beautiful colored, add the bouillon and let it simmer for a couple of minutes.

Serve it in a flat bowl, sprinkle it wit citron juice, coarse sea salt and add some chopped parsley to garnish. Serve it with a basket of fresh self cut bread to dip in the delicious garlic sauce that remains. These Gambas al Ajillo are really a taste sensation!