Know How To Pack A Suitcase. Crucial For Travelling Abroad.

Jul 31, 2013 | Enjoy Apartments, Highlight Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments

It’s Not Always The Same.

Packing is not the same every time, you need to know how to pack a suitcase according to the destination you are going to. If you are going to a place with a warm climate then you should pack very lightly. Always roll the shorts, loose t-shirts and other summer outfits. Never fold them because rolling is better than folding as the former takes up less space and does not promote deep wrinkles or unsightly creases from folds.


Make A List.
Also, it would benefit you to make a packing list prior to tackling the task of actual packing. By creating or maintaining such a list, you will also get a good idea of the things that you need for your trip and the ones that you have missed out or needs to purchase. Always try to prepare this list weeks in advance; in this manner, you will never forget about packing important items.


 Know The Restrictions.
For heavy or bulky items, it is advisable to keep them at the bottom of the suitcase (when kept upright) because it would work with the force of gravity. If you find it difficult to fit clothes inside your suitcase then you can make use of the Zip-lock bags or air-compression packing bags. These squeeze the air out of the clothes and make it easy to cramp your suitcase with all sorts of items from swimming gears to toiletries.

If you are carrying liquids then you should keep them in leak-free containers or bottles in your hand luggage. Airports permit their passengers to carry liquids or semi-liquid items (like toothpaste) only if they are below 100 ml. It is wise to check the baggage restrictions or allowances fixed by the airline that you’d be taking in order to ensure that you’re adhering to the rules.

In case of European flights, the baggage limit is twenty three kilograms whereas in case of handbags, it is seven kilograms and it should fit in the overhead locker.

In Case Of Theft. Avoid Your Worst Nightmare.

One of the worst problems faced by travelers is to have things stolen from their suitcases. In order to prevent this from happening, you can use a luggage tag, like a piece of clothing or a tag which has your name, address and contact number on it. This way it would be easy to track your suitcase or identify the same from afar; also, it would be easy to detect the owner of the suitcase should it be lost.

Now that you know how to pack a suitcase, you should follow the tips and tricks so that you too can pack like a pro!

If you have read this article, and you have clear on how to pack your suitcase, go ahead and book a holiday apartment at our site.


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