Gondols, Coffee and Small Canals. Nice! But How to Avoid Tourist Traps in Venice?

Oct 17, 2016 | About us, Barcelona Guide, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Events Barcelona, Tips Enjoy Apartments

Holiday or citytrip you always see them, tourist traps. At first sight it seems very nice, delicious and special. But sometimes it’s not what you really expected, even in beautiful Venice. Of course you want to see some hot spots but in a fun and good way. But you don’t want to pay 20 euros for just one cappuccino because you’re sitting at the St. Mark’s Square (PIazza San Marco).

So, let’s look at how to avoid tourist traps in Venice.

Tourist trap 1
You want to go for lunch or dinner but in many places the food/price ratio is not fair. How to recognize   the tourist targeted restaurants. First of all there is someone standing in front of the restaurant to tell you how good the food over there is. DON’T go in. you will never find normal prices for the quality or the food… Another thing is when restaurant have a menu with photos on it avoid them. This is a sign that is just directed to tourists. Go to a place where you can have a look on the menu and decide by your self.

Tourist trap 2
It looks so romantic and worth a try: Gondola ride. Fern trough the narrow canals enjoy the city on the water. This sounds great don’t you think so? Its to good to be true! Just twenty minutes on the Gondale can cost you around 80 euro’s… It is one big tourist trap and you can avoid them and their expensive prices. You can go by a public gondola (Vaporetto) that fern over the Grand canel. When you are a tourist it will cost 2 euros per time to cross the canal. There seven areas where you can get on the gondola around the Grand canal. Its only for about five minutes but worth the experience!

Tourist trap 3
Coffee is a thing in Venice and it is a good city to drink a good coffee. A good espresso, cappuccino or just black coffee you can drink it almost everywhere.  You can also drink this famous italian coffee at the St. Mark’s Square. The most beautiful square of Venice if you agree. But before you’re just gonna sit at one of the tables around the square and just drink a coffee have a good look at the prices. At many terraces you can pay the highest prices for just that normal coffee. This price is not only that high because it’s touristic but also because you’re sitting at the terrace

Tourist trap 4
A good souvenir or for yourself to take with you is the famous Murano glass. In Venice there are many shops where you can buy this glass. But keep in mind  that at the touristic places they ask twice as much. The sellers know it’s quite popular with tourists and try to ask as much they can. Sometimes they don’t even sell the real Murano glass and the glass is made in China. If you want to be sure you will buy real glass go to Segreti Veneziani shop over here you will get a certificate of realness. Another option is to go by boat to the marine island and just have the experience at the factories.

These tips should help you to save some money and enjoy your holiday or citytrip! Now you know what to do and how to avoid tourist traps in Venice! Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think about it! If you’re going to Venice, enjoy your stay. Are you still looking for an apartment? Take a look at our website! www.enjoyapartments.com/rentals/venice-20076699