
Ajax is a Dutch football club based I Amsterdam, Netherlands. Ajax is one of the most successful football clubs in the world. Ajax holds the record of keeping the European cup and accomplishing the continental treble. Ajax has in the past and currently produced some of the best footballers in the world. The likes of Johan Cruyff, Edwin van Der Saar, Rafael Van Der Vaart and Wesley Sneijder. They have not played with Barcelona in the past. Their first meeting of FC Barcelona Ajax 2013 is scheduled on 18/09/2013.


FC Barcelona

Barcelona is a Spanish football club based in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It is the most successful club in Spain with regard to the overall official titles won. It is the first club ever to win six out of six competitions in a single year. There is thus a very high possibility that Barcelona will win the two matches against Ajax and the European league as well. These two clubs had a very interesting history that is attributable to their success.


The history of both Clubs

The last time that Ajax won the European cup was back in 1995, in a match against Milan. However in the year 1999, several of the Ajax cup-winning players moved to Barcelona from Ajax together with the manager Louis van Gaal. This however caused problems at camp Nou. Barcelona was accused of loss of identity. Louis van Gaal however stood his ground in defense of the move. He claimed that the move was meant to take the Ajax style to Camp Nou. The 1995 victory in the European league with Ajax was the precursor of van Gaal’s move to Barcelona.

Johan Cruyff

Johan Cruyff is indeed the man that connects FC Barcelona and Ajax. He has some connection and ties with several players in Barcelona. But his wish would be to see the Ajax side win against Barcelona. This can be attributed to the fact that Cruyff have a long history with Ajax. Being his home club, where Cruyff was born and bred. He also started his football career at Ajax before moving on to Barcelona. While at Ajax, Cruyff led Ajax to 3 consecutive European titles (1971-1973). Cruyff’s move to Barcelona in 1973 changed the history of Barcelona. He brought what some refer to as a revolution’ in Camp Nou. During his career in Nou Camp, Barcelona won the league for the first time after beating real Madrid 5-0.


His view on the match

Cruyff”s move to Barcelona was the start of the modern Barcelona. He later on led Barcelona to four consecutive league titles between 1991 and 1994 and the first European cup ever in 1992. During his reign, the former Barcelona manager pep Guardiola was a midfielder who would later on lead Barcelona to greater heights using the skills acquired from Cruyff. Cruyff can thus be termed as the embodiment of Barcelona. He stands in the heart of Barcelona football revolution and success. He stands at the heart of Ajax too, having started his football career there and his success in the club. When the draw was made, he claimed that he would support both clubs in their 18/09/2013 match. This match will be of great importance in celebrating his legacy and contribution.


Enjoy apartments

The match will be played on the 18th of September and of course do we offer apartments in that time, also can we get tickets for the match you can take a look at this link and find more information about it!




