Enjoy Barcelona for Family Friendly Holidays!

Oct 5, 2011 | Barcelona Guide

It came as no surprise to us to learn that Spain has come in at Number One again as the destination of choice for family friendly holidays. In the 2011 Consumer Trends Survey by the Association of British Travel Agents, UK respondents have again listed the country as top of the list for families. We couldn’t agree more.

Have you seen our Family Friendly Holidays Guide?

Our apartments have been loved by many families and we recently collected all of the tips and advice we have heard from our guests and listed them in our Enjoy Barcelona Guide to Family Holidays Abroad. We would love to hear your comments and feedback in the blog comments below or on our Facebook page. What advice or recommendations would you give to other families traveling to Barcelona?

Why do apartments make better Family Friendly Holidays?

One of the most important things that our guests have told use about staying in Barcelona for their family friendly holidays is that apartments make the best choice because of the Three C’s:


Hotels and other accommodation options can feel cramped after a a few days. That’s if you even survive the first night flare-ups and fights over who sleeps where! Our family guests have appreciated the extra space – sometimes with a terrace or balcony as well to give even more space for a family to spread out for alone time, for playing together, or to maintain the healthy routines of home life.


This is number one for many families who want to make sure they can keep to a budget on eating costs and to make sure diets stay healthy when travelling. We have some suggestions in our family holidays to Spain guide to make cooking a fun activity when travelling.


You need to make sure your family is safe while also giving everyone a chance to have a bit of space. After a day exploring the parks or activities of Barcelona, you sometimes need your brood in the one place without you having to count heads every ten seconds.

Of course, we can think of one other reason why apartments are ideal for family friendly holidays:


Staying in our Barcelona apartments is the most affordable option for many families as kids can have their own room, and you save on eating out costs by being able to use your own cooking facilities. Especially for more than one or two nights, it becomes the most economical option for a family of four or five than a hotel could ever offer.

What would you recommend for a Family Friendly Holiday?

Spain – and cities like Barcelona – truly are ideal for family vacations or short trips, and we know from the many families who have stayed with us that apartments offer the ideal accommodation.

Please have a read of our enjoy guide to family holidays to Spain and let us know in the comments below if you have any tips or recommendations to help others make the most of their family friendly holidays to Barcelona!