Decorated Streets And Sightseeing In a New City, Ready? It’s Almost Christmas Time!

Nov 16, 2016 | About us, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, Highlight Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments

The December months are coming, you know what that means? It’s Christmas time! Streets light up, huge christmas trees and a lot more decoration. What are the best places to visit during the Christmas days?


Oxford Street is all over decorated with Christmas lights, ice skates in the shadow of the tower and Christmas songs on Trafalgar Square and christmas songs on Trafalgar Square. Christmas in London is one big experience. There are many festivies to get an unforgetable visit when its about shopping, sightseeing or enjoying the food. Admire the house from the santaclaus and the spectaculair shop windows.
The traditional markets around the capital are the best spots for finding altaritive Christmas presents. There are so many things to do around Christmas in London.


In December the millioncity Madrid gets a really good Christmas atmosphere. There are many christmaslights decorating the Spanish streets. And many Christmas markets, on plaza Mayor you will find the biggest Christmas market. Actually you’ll find a small market on almost every “Plaza”. If you just want to enjoy the atmosphere you can go on a special Christmas bus. This is a really fun way to see the lightened up street. It is a openair bus so gloves and a cap can be necessary and yes also in Madrid it can be very cold.
You can also go to the biggest inner city park of the world, this is besides the river Manzanares. On 26, 27 and 28 of December beginning at 18:00 in this part of Madrid there will start a spectacular lightshow.
Feliz Navidad!


Prague might be on her prettiest in the winter months. At midnight all the lights are shining bright and around the biggest squares of Prague are people dining and enjoying their drinks.
There will be a big christmastree located at the Old-Town Square. Ofcourse there will be many Christmas markets. The biggest market you will find on Wencelas Square and on Old-Town Square. Over here you can buy presents and food and drinks. A typical winter drink is their warm wine. When you are done shopping you can go and enjoy the Christmas choirs and christmas stable. The choirs will be dressed in traditional costumes all of this happens at the Old-Town Square.


Dubai isn’t the first destination you think about when you’re thinking about Christmas, but the city is definitely worth a visit. Christmas is a big deal in Dubai! Officially they don’t celebrate Christmas in mind of the islamitisch faith. But you will see a big amount shopping malls, restaurants and hotels where the Christmas decorations shows up. This due to the fact that there are many tourists visiting Dubai. Christmas in Dubai has no snow at all, it will be a whole new experience. There will be a temperature around 25 degrees. Instead of wearing your gloves you can put on your bikini and swimming trunks! Celebrating Christmas at the beach is something really different.

Enough choises, are you ready for a new christmas expierence? Take a look at our website for apartments in one of this places.