This Is Why You Should Go Celebrate Carnival In Rio

Feb 10, 2015 | Barcelona Guide, Rio de Janeiro Guide


What about the carnival in Rio?

Are you ready for carnival? To bid welcome the spring in Brazil and especially in Rio de Janeiro there is always the celebration of carnival. This carnival is a world famous festival held before spring every year and considered as the biggest carnival in the world. There will be like two million people per day on the streets. Wow, that sounds amazing and popular! Enjoy let you taste a bit of the carnival through this article and hope that you will go there some day.





The best traditions

Where does the carnival consist of? It’s all about the people, the country, the food, themusic and most of all the Samba! Let’s dance! At first of the event will the king be crowned, but when you think of the carnival in Brazil, you probably think about how beautiful everyone is looking. All the clothes have several things the same, like the happy, glittery and fierce colors.

What is your favorite look?


What do you think of the parades?

There are so many parades where do we have to start talking? We will give you a quick look at our thoughts of the best parades during the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Samba parades, street parties and colorful costumes it is almost time for biggest party of the year in Brazil. What do you think of a 700 meter long ceremony called the Sambadrome, this will be the begin of the carnival. During the ceremony all the tribunes will be filled with thousands of party people, how wonderful?! Every parade gets 80 minutes for the show through the streets and that’s how they are competing for the best price. Who will win this year?


Top 5 of things to do during the carnival

BeFunky_magic-ball-rio-de-janeiro-2-2013magic ball.jpg


1. Rio 

Masquerade balls, luxury balls, and balls for kids are all apart  of these fantastic events. It’s the perfect time to don your glittery costume, paint your face with vibrant colors and party in the streets of Rio.Carnival Balls



2. Magic Ball

The only continuing luxury ball in the city. Attendees are generally the affluent of Rio, celebrities and the who’s who of South America. This ball is held at the exclusive Copacabana Palace, one of the popular hotels in Rio de Janeiro where upscale rules all.





3. Opening Ceremony

This marks the start of carnival and a not to be missed event as the carnival king gets crowned by the mayor and is handed the keys to the city. Last year was it a wonderful time, as you can see!



4. Sambadromo

Members of the samba schools come together to practice before the big parades. Everyone is in step and they rehearse their moves and songs just as it will occur during carnival, with the exception of being in their full costumes. Spectators are allowed entrance, free of charge.


BeFunky_carnival-rio-de-janeiro-2011-samba-parade-salgueiro-03.jpg5. Samba Parade

Bring on the glittery costumes and dancing guys and girls. Samba school showcase their talented students during carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Many foreigners don’t realize that the carnival is also a huge competition among the schools. The highest ranking schools get the honor of performing at the Champion Parade at the end of the week.

For the best views of the show, spectators can purchase allocated chairs, front boxes or luxury suites.




Carnival 2015

Are you going to Rio this year for the carnival? We have the right tips for you. This year’s carnival will start on February 13 till the 17th. Every year there are some FREE events.


To start with for example the lovely street bands, they will give you this amazing happy feeling and all you have to do for it is come join and enjoy. This year they expect around 300 street bands, sounds enough for everybody!

Street parties are much fun! The open-air dances are throughout the whole city and everyone is invited. There are different kinds of street parties, the huge organized street parties and the randomly street parties on the corners. Come and have fun!

Outside the Sambadromo is the place for all the people who could not get in at the Parade. But that is not a great problem, because Rio thought about it and came with the beautiful idea to make it a free event. So all the people who could not get in, can enjoy the streets with thousands other before, during and after the Parade to have fun with each other.

If you are planning on staying in Rio for a couple of days, we can help you to find the right apartment in Rio de Janeiro