Must see in Buenos Aires

So.. apparently you are not curious huh? Here you can find the typical places to visit in Buenos Aires!

”Have fun!” – Sol Enjoy Apartments Buenos Aires

My recommendations of places to visit in Buenos Aires..

Catedral Metropolitana

kerk-buenosaires-guideAlthough the appearance has been adjusted several times already, the original Cathedral was built around the sixteenth century. The overwhelming inside of this main Catholic Cathedral of Buenos Aires is largely designed in the early 20th century. So was the altarpiece from 1785 and the image of Christ from 1761.

Calle Rivadavia s/n, 1004 Buenos Aires

Casa Rosada

rosada-buenosaires-guideThe literally translated Pink House is the official workplace of the president of Argentina. This remarkable colored Mansion is located on the Plaza de Mayo to which multiple political institutions are located. The former president Sarmiento had the pink color figured out to be able to create peace between ‘ red ‘ and ‘ white ‘ federalists Unitarians. A special fact is knowing that Evita Perón gave a speach to the people from the balcony of Casa Rosada.

Balcarce 50, 1064 Buenos Aires

San Telmo

santelmo-buenosaires-guideIn this oldest district of Buenos Aires, the Tango is the most important thing. You can learn the dance in different places in this district. The best way to behold this dance is when the music sounds through the streets in the evening and a spontaneous dance between the visitors where the passion is really seen. Here and there in the district are also street performers who make a sound with there heals on the cobbled old squares and streets. Divided into the area are a number of interesting museums, antique shops and art galleries with outstanding art.

San Telmo, Buenos Aires

La Recoleta Cemetery

church-buenos-guideAround the year 1822 is this extremely genteel cemetery established next to the Church of our Lady of Pilar. In Spanish called ‘ Catedral-Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar ‘. The cemetery and Church are in the cultural Recoleta district. Some cemeteries are assigned to celebrities such as Evita Perón, President of Argentina, writer Jose Hernandez and a number of Nobel Prize winners. Some of the tombs are designed by leading sculptors. Nothing seems to crazy.

Junín 1760, 1113 CABA, Buenos Aires

La Boca


The pure life of Buenos Aires is reflected in the colorful La Boca neighborhood near the sea. Culture, music and the famous Tango dance melt here completely together. Especially in the famous Caminito Street. This part of the district is mainly pedestrian area. Many stories of the people and their lives are told by means of street art on the walls. Artists provide their products for sale and once there music sounds is there danced.

La Boca, Buenos Aires

Congreso de la Nación Argentina

congress-buenos-guideThe Argentine Parliament has a palace as home. This Congreso de la Nación Argentina was built at the end of the nineteenth century. Inside and out, there is worked a lot on all the details. The sculptures are largely made from the hand of the Argentine Lola Mora. The building stands on Avenida Entre Rios across from the Plaza del Congreso.

Av Rivadavia 1864, C1033AAV CABA, Buenos Aires

Galileo Galilei Planetarium


In the largest area of Buenos Aires, Palermo Woods, you can find the Galileo Galilei Planetarium. In 1962 one started with the construction of this dome-shaped structure. The six-story high planetarium keeps an eye on literally everything in the universe. Here you can learn all about celestial bodies, our solar system and even a peek into the future.

Av. Sarmiento s/n, 1425 CABA, Argentina

Obelisco de Buenos Aires

obelisco-buenos-guideOn the widest Street in the world, the Avenida 9 de Julio, stands the obelisk of Buenos Aires. The national monument Obelisco de Buenos Aires is located on the Plaza de la República and is placed there to commemorate the Foundation of the city. The monument is about sixty-seven meters long on special days and on special occasions the obelisk is decorated or colored.

Av. 9 de Julio s/n, 1043 CABA, Buenos Aires

El Ateneo

elateneo-buenos-guideIn this very famous Bookstore, your mouth probably fall open by surprise. This former Theatre is completely filled with books on a variety of subjects. Although the building has several alterations since its existence in 1912, fortunately, still has a lot of details and spaces. There is, for example, a cafe on the former stage. Also there are more than 40 book and music shops under one roof.

Av. Santa Fe 1860, 1123 CABA, Buenos Aires

Plaza de Mayo

Plaza-Mayo-Buenos-AiresThe plaza de Mayo is the city’s main square and dates back to the late 16th century, when it was founded by Juan de Garay. This square is the Centre of Buenos Aires, and there are a number of interesting buildings, which historically are of interest. The old town hall and the Cathedral are perhaps the most famous structures. The square is also known by the foolish mothers who protest against the disappearances under the military regime of 1976-1983.

Hipólito Yrigoyen s/n, 1087 Buenos Aires