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ATM services in Barcelona
The banks in Barcelona are open from Monday to Friday from 08:30-14:00. Some banks are also open on Saturday from 08:30 to 13:00. In Spain, there is a difference between two types of banks: Cajas de ahorros (savings banks) and Bancos (regular bank).
If there is a Maestro logo on your debit card, and that is almost always the case, you can withdraw cash at ATMs with the same logo 24 hours a day. Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere in Barcelona.
In Spain it is customary to leave a tip in taxis, restaurants, hotels and bars. A usual gift is a tip of 5-10% on the price. Be aware that sometimes a service fee is included in the price. Restaurants will then mention that the cost for “servicio” is included.
Safety in Barcelona
Despite the large size and the differences between rich and poor, Barcelona’s pretty safe. Especially in the 70’s Barcelona was known as dangerous for tourists. This was mainly due to the poor workers from southern Spain who were responsible for the crime in the city. Since then, much has changed.
Please note that you still have keep an eye on your possessions, especially in the busier areas such as metro stations and major shopping streets. Tourists are often easy prey and can form a willing target for pickpockets and scam.
Post office services in Barcelona
The post offices in Barcelona are open from Monday to Friday from 08:30-20:30 h. Please note that a number of post offices already close at 14:00. On Saturday morning the post offices usually open from 09:30-13:00.
Would you like to post a card? For stamps, you can also start looking for a tobacco shop (Estanc) and maps you can post in the yellow buses scattered around the city.
Public holidays of Spain
Most shops and banks closed on public holidays. The public holidays of Spain are:
Date | Holiday |
01.01.xxxx | New Year’s Day |
06.01.xxxx | Epiphany |
03.04.xxxx | Good Friday |
01.05.xxxx | Labor Day |
15.08.xxxx | Assumption of Mary |
12.10.xxxx | Hispanic Day |
01.11.xxxx | All Saints Day |
02.11.xxxx | All Saints Day Conception |
06.12.xxxx | Constitution Day |
07.12.xxxx | Constitution Day Observed |
08.12.xxxx | Immaculate Conception |
25.12.xxxx | Christmas Day |
31.12.xxxx | New Year’s Eve |