Barcelona Shopping Night at Passeig de Gracia!

Nov 25, 2011 | Barcelona Guide

Should you be visiting Barcelona on the 30th of November and you like shopping, we recommend you to go shopping at nighttime during the Barcelona Shopping Night. This will take place in the famous street, Passeig de Gracia.

More than shopping

Block Wednesday the 30th in your agenda because this is an event you do not want to miss. This is going to be the second edition of the Barcelona Shopping Night and it is going to be a party. First of all the shops that participate extend their opening hours. The opening hours will be from 8pm till 1am, this explains the name Barcelona Shopping Night.  But there is more, there also is a wide range of events. This years edition will exceed the previous; more shops participate, there are new areas and spaces and there are more events as well.

Last year more than 10,000 people joined the Barcelona Shopping Night. They went out on the street, went shopping, partying and they enjoyed the entertainment. The promoter of this event, Albert Garriga wants to make this a major international event.

Turning-on the Christmas lights

Coinciding with this, on November 30th, there is another event in Barcelona. You can see the official turning-on of the Christmas lights. Passeig de Gracia will turn into a party area with events, music, celebrities and other surprises. This is going to be an unique experience.

When you stay in one of our Barcelona apartments and you want to go shopping and see the Christmas lights burning, visit the Barcelona Shopping Night!