Barcelona Marathon 2011

Barcelona Marathon 2011 takes place on the 6th March 2011. The run is set to be a staggering 42,195 km, starting and finishing at the Av. Reina Cristina. The run will be set behind a huge fountain that will add a decorative charm to the day’s event. Whilst given the opportunity to take in some of Barcelona’s beautiful architecture travelers will also be able check out the fair trade market located near the vicinity. It opens two days before the Barcelona Marathon 2011, so those coming to visit the city will have enough time to roam before the big run.

The Barcelona Marathon 2011 starts at 8.30 pm in order to so it’s not too uncomfortable, which are usually around 13-17 ° C. Conditions are for the best part sunny as Barcelona has to incredible weather during that time of year. If you are situated far away from Barcelona Marathon 2011, advisable that you use the subway to get to Av. Reina Cristina. Look for lines 1 and 3 from Plaça Espanya.

The Barcelona Marathon was first established since 1978 when the city saw its first batch of official runners take to the streets. Unlike today’s events they were more complicated than today’s run. They started in the coastal village of Mataró, which stands about 15 km northeast of the Costa Brava. This course was coincidentally the same one that was used during the Olympic games of 1992.

The forthcoming Barcelona Marathon 2011 is expected to have tens of thousands of people gather in the streets in the hope of making money for charity and other worthwhile charities. For those planning to take a visit the Spanish capital to be part of the great event, it is highly advisable think about hiring an apartment for the duration of your stay.

You will find a variety of high quality Barcelona apartments that come fully furnished with air conditioning, cooking facilities and WIFI. Potential travelers can to browse the wide array of Barcelona apartments and pick, which type of accommodation best suites their requirements and needs.

To ensure visitors to the Barcelona Marathon 2011 get the most convenient apartments, there are many accommodation providers that allows customers to best suited place by means of an accommodation search by neighborhoods to spend their time away.

To make an immediate booking simply have a look the apartments and it for the Barcelona Marathon 2011.

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