Are you brave enough to visit these haunted places with Halloween?

Oct 26, 2015 | Barcelona, Cape Town, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments, London, Milan, Rome

It is almost Halloween! That means eating candy, wearing scary clothes, telling ghost stories and of course visiting haunted houses. Are you a scaredy cat or a dare devil? Read about these 10 haunted places and find out..

1. The Coliseum, Rome
Annually hundreds of tourists visit Rome to see the beauty of the Coliseum. Many of these travelers, their guides and the employees at this old structure have actually reported seeing and hearing paranormal activity.

Some have actually reported listening to howling and also screaming in different areas. Others have listened to lion as well as tiger roars. One sight typically reported is that of Roman soldiers standing guard at the various Coliseum entryways. Visitors have actually seen ghostly figures pacing the Coliseum’s staircases. Other witnesses have actually seen exactly what seem ghostly figures resting in different seats enjoying just what is taking place in the field listed below. Lots of people have reported listening to the cheers of a crowd.

The vaults positioned below the Coliseum are extremely active. Some state this is due to the fact that this is where the gladiators waited to eliminate as well as the prisoners a  waited a specific gruesome death. This location is also where the Romans positioned their bets on the end results of the different competitions. In this area chilly places are felt and people have actually reported that they are touched or pushed. Others have reported that a person whispered in their ear. Staff members that have worked the night shift for many years have actually reported hearing crying in the vault area in addition to animals roaring.

2. The tower of London, London
Built in 1078 by William the Conqueror, The Tower of London is one of one of the most Haunted spots in the British Isles. The substantial history of execution and also torture dates back some 900 years, so it’s no surprise that visitors as well as personnel of this now vacationer destination have experienced paranormal phenomena. Anne Boleyn (the other half of King Henry VIII) was beheaded in 1536, and her headless body has been seen walking the Tower premises. The ghosts of two mysterious children are likewise said to seen regular at the tower grounds. They are thought to be royal princes that were sent to the Tower after parliament had actually considered them invalid. When two small skeletons were uncovered in the Tower, it ended up being hard for skeptics to shoot down these claims.

3. Grenadier pub, London
This pub is known as the most haunted pub of England. Called after a young Grenadier, affectionately named Ceric by locals, whom is said to have been caught cheating at a game of cards.The tale goes that his ‘’friends’’ savagely beat him to death as a punishment. A precise day about when this happened is unknown, but it is presumed that that eventful night was in the month of September, as this is the time of year that The Grenadier gets an assault of supernatural and also creepy activities..

A solemn, quiet shade has been observed slipping gradually throughout the bar. Objects appear to either go away or relocate without explanation. Tables as well as chairs rattle inexplicably, along with an icy chill that falls upon the pub that can last for days. Footprints have actually been seen to wandering around empty rooms, as well as every now and then, low sighing moans are heard from the midsts of the storage. Notoriously, once, it was reported that whilst the Chief Superintendent from New Scotland Yard was enjoying his drink at the bar, when smoke began to waft around him. As he reached to the smoke, it is claimed that a clear cigarette burned his hand. These strange happenings are attributed to the murdered Grenadier going back to the bar.

4. Monastero Santa Radegonda, Milan
During the 2nd half of the XIV century Bernarda, the daughter of Bernabò Visconti was put in the Rocchetta di Porta Nuova for adultery. She died after a few months and now she apparently shows up in the cloisters of the Church of Santa Radegonda, where you could see her screaming at her father.

5. Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires
Like several cities, Buenos Aires has a gorgeous and also historic cemetery that’s a major tourist destination– one that’s additionally haunted. In 1902 youthful Rufina was wrongly pronounced dead  and left to rest by a grieving family. Awakening in her own casket, she fought to come out of the coffin, but at some point suffocated. Rufina was discovered buried alive, her body scraped as well as mauled beyond acknowledgment. After the gory resurrection her sad father restored the gravesite to depict his young child opening the doors to her very own tomb. The innocent youthful Rufina, a terrible shadow of her former self, now roams the cemetery at night, unearthing dead bodies to make certain that they haven’t endured the same awful destiny..

6. Line A subway, Buenos Aires

Line A of the Buenos Aires Train, finished in 1913, is the oldest train line in South America as well as according to the city’s mythology, its most haunted.

Numerous individuals have actually reported strange events in the Saenz Peña terminal as well as
those who wait for the train below might really feel a foreboding feeling. Not long after the station was built in 1913, an employee informed his superiors that there was a blood-covered body in the bathroom. When the security went to investigate, they discovered nothing uncommon. Administration decided that the worker was visualizing because of exhaustion and sent him home. The next day, another worker– uninformed of the previous day’s occasion– reported seeing the same thing. Again, an additional employee went to examine the restroom, yet saw absolutely nothing. Use the bathroom at Sáenz Peña with caution.

A young woman in a lacy Belle Époque-style bridal gown also haunts these tunnels. The story of the ‘Phantom Bride-to-be of Line A’ goes that after recognizing that she had been stood up at the church– or in an alternating version, was being coerced to marry a man she didn’t love– she ran out of the nearby basilica as well as threw herself on the train tracks in a breakout suicide. Nighttime workers assert she stands for a flash, but disappears when they look again. Luckily, the young bride-to-be’s spirit is benign, yet a sight of the Phantom Bride-to-be of Buenos Aires is a bad prophecy for newlyweds.

7. The Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town
As one of Cape Community’s oldest buildings, the Castle of Good Hope has many a tale to inform. Employees and also site visitors report hearing voices as well as footsteps in the windowless dungeon and also in the narrow passages of the building. The bell in the Belfry, which was walled up centuries ago after a soldier hung himself with the bell-rope, occasionally rings of its own accord. A black canine is also claimed to haunt the property and also has actually been known to approach visitors and then go away.

Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town
Groote Schuur Healthcare facility is thought to be haunted by a number of apparitions. A young nurse who got a terminal illness throughout World War Two and shot herself still wanders the hallways, a sister with white eyes walks around  the medical facility, a young man who fell to his death while trying to get away from the top floor additionally remains to haunt the healthcare facility as well as a woman with grey hair, called sister Fatima, attempts to help the nursing personnel on their rounds.

9. Joelma Building, Sao Paulo
In 1974, an air conditioning  system caught fire in the Joelma Structure in Sao Paulo. The building had nothing but one stairwell, had actually been furnished with flammable materials, had no sprinklers, smoke alarm or emergency exits. The structure was entirely swallowed up in a manner of minutes, and of the 800 people that were in the building when the fire started, 179 died. The building has actually because been restored and renamed, but it is stated to be spooked by numerous of individuals that passed away in that fire.

10. Metro stations of Barcelona, Barcelona

There are actually 12 abandoned metro terminals in Barcelona. The most popular is probably the “Gaudí” station, integrated in 1968 near the Sagrada Familia. At the start, the station was supposed to attach the L2 and L5 metro lines however never ever opened because it has never been functional. Employees used to access these old entrances to commute however never ever made use of the local area which led the station to fold and ended up being deserted. A lot of citizens narrated they encountered unusual shadows as well as ghosts there. You can feel a quite unusual ambience within the wall surfaces of that metro station. Another terminal of interest is the Correos local area station where unusual voices and noises have been heard.

So.. Are you brave enough to visit these haunted places this weekend? See the availability of apartments in these cities on Maybe you will come back with a good story to tell..