A Vista D’ Hotel: Barcelona From Another Point Of View.

May 30, 2013 | Barcelona Guide

A Vista D’ Hotel is an initiative that will be held for the second year in Barcelona. It is a good option for the hotels in Barcelona to show their terraces to the public. Last year was a great success so they decide to organize it again, and it will be bigger than the year before. This year there will be around the 50 hotels participating.

From the first till the eight of June all these hotels will open their terraces for everyone. The special thing about these terraces are the most of them are not on street level but on top of the roofs! All the terraces have their own style and take you with them to an other dimension. You could find a terrace in Mediterranean style or one which is very modern with a lounge style.

On every terrace will be an act. This could be a small band with live music, a DJ, or something else.

The best thing about this event is that you can see another side of the city Barcelona. You will see the best known landmarks from the other side and all the concerts and chill out sessions are in the open air. Only in Barcelona you could find so many different locations to go on these spectacular heights for a good drink or just enjoy the live music.

Every hotel which is participating will try to please you with their specialties, but there is more! All the hotels could serve you a good glass of one of the beautiful and delicious wines of wine house Torres. This typical Spanish wine house bring their most beautiful wines to Barcelona, especially for this week, for the hotels, but most important, for you!

Visit on of the participating hotels and let you taken by the special atmosphere, enjoy your Torres wine and float away by the sounds of a small band or make some moves with one of the DJ’s.