How to transport yourself in Marbella..
- By Bus
There are 7 daily bus routes going through Marbella and one night route. All buses belong to the bus company Portillo of the CTSA-AvanzaBus group.
The buses have a good and frequent timetable but there must be said that in the summer there can be a little bit of a delay. In recent years, the public transport from Marbella had many complaints and they tried their best to make it all work like by improving the punctuality.
The most popular routes are the buses that drive through the Centre of Marbella, from and to Puerto Banus and of course those along the shopping center La Cañada drive. These are the lines L-1, L-3 and L-6.
Whether you’re at your apartment in the center of the city or in one of the suburbs, you can almost always use the bus with a bus stop nearby. The bus stops are marked with a blue pole and have a Board with the timetable.
You can buy a bus ticket directly from the driver. Make sure you always have the exact anount of change at hand. The driver is not required to give money back if he does not have it. On the bus station or at one of the other authorized points you can purchase a subscription, the Bonobus card. With this subscription you will enjoy a cheaper rate per way. This is highly recommended if you are going to use the bus in Marbella.
- By Car
At the airport you will find various car rental companies. If you don’t have a car reservation, then chances are that you have to wait quite long that you can rent a car. Therefore, we recommend that you book your car before you go to Marbella. Often this is many times cheaper than on the ground. It is also advisable to deal directly with the supplier(cheaper).