Tips for cheap flight tickets!

Mar 4, 2016 | About us, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments

How to book your cheap flight tickets? And when do you have to book the tickets, exactly? Many people think about it. Not so crazy, who wouldn’t want to book the cheapest flight? We can help you! We have 5 useful tips for your next trip.


1. You may not believe this: Cheap tickets are sometimes just in newsletters. Maybe it´s sounds very simple, but sign up for a newsletter. Emiraten Sale, KLM World deal weeks and the Big Sale from AirAsia are to be found in their newsletter. Subscribe to different newsletter and you will be the first who know all the deals.

2. Compare, compare and compare more tickets until you’ve found a cheap ticket. Only you need to be a little computer nerd and you also need to have a lot of time. It really helps to compare many websites, airlines, dates and times!

3.When it isn’t necessarily to fly from the capital, it can save you a lot of money. For example if you live near a small airport or because you simply don’t care to drive here by train or car, it’s really advisable to also take a look at alternative airports.

4.You would not expect it might, after all you are more on the way, but one or two extra stops can make your ticket a lot cheaper. It often saves a lot of money. In the meantime, you can take a look in the city of the stopover.

5.When do I need to book airline tickets? That’s probably the most asked question when it comes to booking airline tickets. There is really no perfect time, day or month. You should compare especially good deals monitor themselves and try to be as flexible as possible. When you can book the best tickets depends on many factors. Anyway, since we can not quite want to leave in the dark, yet some tips:

  • Early booking in advance is often cheap, but you should not be too early.
  • Flight rates are only 10 to 12 months known before the trip, if you book before i could be that you will pay to much.
  • Consider action weeks you book via budget airlines, check max. 2 to 3 months in advance
  • Are you booking a longer flight, than it’s wise to book in advance approximately 3 to 6 months
  • If you start looking in January for vacations in the summer, you can get some additional early booking advantage
  • According to The Guardian, the best days to fly is on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. These days there are fewer flown by businessmen.


Do you have other tips or tricks? Share it with us on social media or a comment below.