8 Tips to Make Your Holiday Apartment so it Feels Like Home

Feb 20, 2014 | Enjoy Apartments, Highlight Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments

8 Tips to Make Your Holiday Apartment so it Feels Like Home!

How many of you find traveling, short stay abroad or even vacation stressful or tiring? A lack of time, a lack of money, and excessive commercialism are all common reasons for extra holiday stress. After all day of walking in crowded streets, tourist surrounded sights, drained of sun in packed beach the only place you feel going back to is home. Home place to feel safe, relaxed, your-self. But what about holiday apartment that feels like home, is that possible? Have you ever thought of makes your house a home?

Experienced travelers and people changing their apartments constantly know that it takes just few steps in order to make your new place feel like home.


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First off all traveling means luggage, since you can not pack all of your life in one suitcase you are left with most necessary things. One fully packed suitcase in new, rather empty room may feel lonely, so unpack all things you brought. Holiday apartment that feels like home with full wardrobe and cabins. Feeling of being lost in new place visits all of us. To avoid that take your time for unpacking. Find most comfortable, easily reachable place for every little object.

Check the lights

We all have different preferences. The same about lighting in our home. Wrong lighting might exhaust you. So before you settle in check the lighting, if you have enough or not too strong lighting.


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Surround your-self by familiar scents and sounds

Smell is one of the main sense, no wonder that we are more attracted to pleasantly smelling places and object. If want to live in holiday apartment that feels like home allow fresh air frequently. Also don’t forget to use home fragrance or spray to create familiar scent. Music sets the tone. In the different countries you might not find a radio station which plays your favorite music, internet might cost additionally,so bring some of your favorite music.

Comfortable clothes and footwear

Another thing is to bring objects that makes you feel most comfortable. For example after long day of walking or attending business meeting you might need to jump in your most favorite comfortable casual clothes and shoes.

Favorite food

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Even though in your vacation apartment you are provided with most of kitchen equipment it is a great idea to bring some of your favorite food. For example your favorite tea and coffee brand can make big difference. If you like to cook at home instead of eating out, bringing your favorite spices could make your dinner taste closer to what you are used to or prefer to eat.

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Bring your bathroom and bedroom accessories

Right shampoo, homey smell of shower gel, soft and warm bathrobe could be another way to make your stay a little cozier. Bedtime even during holidays is very important. Bring your own bed sheets to feel closer to home.

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Get a plant or flowers

What could make your holiday apartment that feels like home than something live living there. For quite a small price you can get a small green (live) plant or a bouquet of flowers and they will make your vacation apartment more lively and lived in.

Small home accessory

Not all art work at your apartment could fit with your taste. If you are staying in the apartment longer time you might want to see beautiful and known things surrounding you. In this case we suggest you to cake a framed picture or a small art work.


Finally, don’t forget that holiday abroad is an escape from daily sights, so pack most important objects first and enjoy experiences and sights of different surroundings. Enjoy Apartments offer you holiday apartment that feels like home. All apartments have their aura. You can choose from variety of different style apartments. Different but all cozy, comfortable and fully equipped. Enjoy Barcelona Apartments also are located in most convenient locations, close to most visited sights.

Take a look and choose your new home for these vacations or business trip.