7 reasons to stay in an apartment (and not in a hotel)

Dec 17, 2014 | Barcelona Guide, Enjoy Apartments, Highlight Apartments, Tips Enjoy Apartments

Do you stay in a hotel, or an apartment? This is the hardest decision, when you have booked a holiday.
More and more people are choosing for an apartment and that’s not just because budget-friendly.

An apartment, where you can be yourself. Being with friends, family or your love and enjoy the intense experience. And a hotel room that remains anonymous. Both might be cold and chilly, how cozy it is decorated, you can’t add anything of yourself. This also the same story with the breakfast at the hotel, that’s all! Deal with it. In an apartment you can get your Christmas or New Year dinner with a festive edge because, you have your own kitchen. Not sure why you’re still better of with an apartment? Keep reading…


Live like a local

Apartments are offered in more different places than hotels. This allows you to stay at places where you normally wouldn’t come. Some apartments are rented by local owners. You can live between the locals! Much better than between the always busy touristy places. There is no better way of getting to know a new destinations than experiencing how the locals live.

You have to enjoy, so be yourself!

You have to enjoy, so be yourself!


Cooked to perfection
A hotel room is nice, because you don’t have to do a lot. It isn’t fully equipped. One of the greatest benefits of renting a holiday apartment is having a kitchen available. The kitchen is usually fully- equipped. From microwave to peeler, meaning you can eat what you want and when you want! Looking around for a market to buy local ingredients with supermarket prices and fill your fridge. A culinary Christmas dinner shouldn’t be an issue. Cheers!

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Don’t be worry about the cleaning service’s by communicating we will make sure you have your privacy. In an apartment you have privacy as much as you want. You can enjoy a leisurely breakfast without that annoying interruptions. And there is no reason to hide your valuables, because you’re sure, no one comes unannounced in your apartment.




“Breakfast is served between 6:30 am and 10:30 am, in the breakfast hall’ No way, you can enjoy your breakfast whenever you like. So no limitations and you can plan whatever you like to do during your own personal holiday. The check-in and check-out can be more flexible. Usually by renting an apartment the service will be more personal.

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Home comfort

It’s also nice to have extra space, like a living room, and a dining table. Cooking is one more reason to rent an apartment. While eating at good restaurants is an essential part of travel, but it can be more pleasurable to buy local ingredients at the shops downstairs, and eat them at your own quiet table, next to an open window, with a bottle of wine at hand and a beautiful view.  Or take a seat at your own terrace or balcony. Many accommodations offer this kind of relax possibilities.

It’s so much easier to go downstairs and buy a baguette than to have a walk for many miles, looking for a place that’s open.

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Have you planned a friends or family holiday? It can be hard to find a perfect location.
Renting an apartment gives many opportunities to make your friends of family holiday to a big success! Never too late for breakfast, don’t worry about the room layout and much cheaper. It can be difficult to find enough rooms in a hotel. Especially, during the high season in popular destinations. It’s much easier to find an apartment or house big enough to accommodate the whole party. Enjoy will help you to find the best accommodations. Enjoy offers accommodation for groups of up 20 persons.

Child friendly

Space! There is space enough, the kids can run around and play without having worries about that they disturb other guests. Fully equipped means fully equipped! There is a washing machine! Not just  very handy for you, but also for the little clutter monsters.

What about you? You’re looking for a ‘home’ away from home? Choose an apartment. Enjoy apartments will help you to find the best destination. In your own apartment; you can directly sample the culture.  Buy the products for a good recipe around the corner. Enjoy the privacy that an apartment has to offer. Feel your home, and have the best possible time.

3. Antigua Casa de Guardia