7 Easy steps for preparing your next trip

Jan 7, 2016 | About us, Destinations, Enjoy, Enjoy Apartments

Planning a trip can be very stressful. Where do you begin? What do you need to do first?  What is step two? In the beginning is everything maybe a little bit overwhelmed, especially when you haven’t done this before.


Where do you want to go?

A lot of people talk vaguely about traveling. They never say where they are going, only that they are going. Picking a destination is very important, it gives you a goal. It’s a lot easier to mentally get behind ‘I’m going to London’ than ‘I’m visiting Europe’. This will not only make you travel concrete, but also you can decide what you are going to do.

How much money do you want to spend?

So you know where you’re going. But to nail down how much money you need, you need to do a research. In what kind of style do you want to travel? Do you want to stay in a comfort apartment, or would you want to backpack?

Book a flight

If you book early, it’s most of the time a lot cheaper than book a last minute. So make sure to book early to insure you get your desired flight.

Book an accommodation

What is more fun than sleeping between the locals? Nothing! This is possible when you stay in a apartment. Renting an apartment from Enjoy will allows you to take advantage of a comfortable living room, multiple bedrooms and your own kitchen. 

What are you going to do?

Delineate the significant activities you want to enjoy and  how much they cost. Make any kind of last-minute changes to your cost savings so you can guarantee you have enough money. This will also help you figure out if you need any reservations for your activities.

Pack your stuff

It is always difficult witch clothes you need to bring with you. But get everything in your suitcase is the hardest of all! On Youtube there are movies that make packing your suitcase easier.

Ready to go!

Take lots of photos and enjoy your destination.


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