Jan 4, 2016 | Amsterdam Guide, Barcelona Guide, Destinations, Enjoy

There is no better way to start the new year with a trip! So specially for you we have some great travel tips to make your next vacation a bit easier, more enjoyable, and a lot cheaper:


1. When you’re booking a flight you should look good. In some cases it is less cheaper to fly into airport other than your destination, then take a train or bus. This is specifically true throughout peak vacation season or festivals.


2. You can find a lot of cheap rented apartments on the website from Enjoy Apartments. If you’re renting a apartment, it’s always cheaper than a hotel. Specially when you are with more people, you can share the cost. Another thing, you’re going to live between the locals. how cool!?


3. Always visit the tourist office of the city and get a tourist card. Local tourism offices (think Rome Tourism, London Tourism, Paris Tourist, etc) issue cards for all their attractions, trips, and also some restaurants. This card provides you free access or substantial discounts on all the tourist attractions, the tours in the city and free public transport.


4. Don’t buy a internet bundle for abroad. Starbucks, Mcdonalds, Burger King,shops and most cafes have free Wi-Fi. So if you need Wi-Fi, go sit in a nice cafe and enjoy the coffee and the internet of course.


5. Never eat in a tourist area. The food will be half as great and also twice the price. This is a simple tip, but one often forgotten by people. Just walk 3 blocks in any direction and you’ll find much cheaper and more local restaurants.


6. There is a very good option to do free walking tour in the most importants cities from Europe, the Sandesman tour. Sandesman tour organizes in 18 different cities free walking tours, from Amsterdam to Madrid and from Lisbon to London! The guides won’t just hit you with some facts, dates and numbers from the past, they will bring the past alive! Also the guide will give you a lot of tips and tricks about the city, so don’t forget to give a little tip a the end of the tour.


Do you have other money saving tips? Let is know by social media or a comment below!