5 Reasons Why Madrid Wins Barça Tonight

Dec 10, 2011 | Barcelona Guide

El Clásico” has never been so clearly in favour of Real Madrid. Ever since last year’s too many and too exhausting Spanish Cup, Champions League and competition matches a victory for Madrid has been close by. Some may think that Madrid was playing too rough, others that the referees’ actions were uncalled for.. we, from Enjoy Madrid simply believe it was a close call then and we have some clear advantages and credible 5 reasons why Madrid wins Barça tonight..

There were some more but had to make a pick in reply to our “amigos” at the headquarters of Enjoy Barcelona. So, the 5 reasons why Madrid wins Barça tonight are:
  1. José Mourinho’s men are undefeated at home games this season. Pep’s team, has only won 2 times playing away games.
  2. Madrid, because of hardly having players from the own youth, will be able to play more thoughtful, with the head.
  3. Cristiano Ronaldo has scored a great deal of goals already. He is in a great momentum, so he is going to score again!
  4. Most of Barça’s superstars come out of an injury and have no match rhythm (Iniesta, Puyol). Moreover David Villa is not having a good season and let’s see if Alexis’s level is high enough to face Real Madrid.
  5. The team of José Mourinho is at the moment more complete and more solid
Should you have rented one of our apartments in Madrid and you would like to see Real Madrid vs. FC Barcelona tonight, please tune in to Telemadrid, the TV network of Madrid. In case you want to see the match live, we recommend you go to any of the many bars in Madrid, around the Plaza Mayor especially. Most of them broadcast the match.
Tips to get the most out of the match: look and/or ask around during the afternoon, well before the match starts, for a suitable bar. Go early. Be polite. You know the way of conduct, so behave. This match is very special and taken seriously by the locals so do not provoke them should you be supporting the catalonians from FC Barcelona.
In case you would like to vote whom you think is going to win (or what others think the result might be), check the poll we set up on facebook.
Enjoy the match! Hala Madrid!
(and, ehm, yeah we wish our colleagues from Enjoy Barcelona a nice match as well.. sorry you guys will loose 😉