We´re in the middle of the summer.. Beaches, drinks, tanned skin and the good weather: We want you to have the best summer in years. That´s why we collected 5 amazing life-hacks that are going to make your summer blasting!

Cool down
After a long day in the sun, your skin need to cool down. It has seen a lot of sunbeams and maybe it´s burnt. Thé solution: Aloe Vera! This refreshing and healing plant can help you to get rid off the burning feeling after a day at the beach. You can make ice cubes of Aloe Vera gel, just take a ice cube tray and fill it with the gel. When it´s totally frozen, you can enjoy the great feeling!

Natural Highlights
This is one for the girls: The sun always makes your hair a little bit lighter. But do you want natural highlights? And get your hair a little bit more blonde? Try lemon juice! Just mix some fresh lemon juice with hot water, put it in a spray bottle and sprinkle it in your hair before you go to the beach. After your beachday you have to wash your hair with a nourishing conditioner and see the result!


Never make a mess again
In summer we eat a lot of fruit, a typical summer fruit is watermelon. Lots of people take them to the beach. It’s a healthy refreshment in the hot weather, but sometimes it’s difficult to eat them without making a mess. We got the solution! Cut your watermelon like the picture below, and you never make a mess again!


Sandy beaches
It is hard to complain about a day at the beach, but sand can be a big struggle. It gets everywhere, in your bag, on your whole body and in your car. Even after three days you still find it everywhere. There is a way to get rid off the sand! Buy some babypowder and sprinkle it over your body. It works also in your hair. The babypowder removes moisture from your skin and allows the sand to easily come off.

Keep your stuff safe
Keep your valuable stuff safe at the beach! Remember that there are a lot of people, so there are also a lot of pickpockers. They will search for the typical things like a wallet or a bag but don´t look for a bottle of sun protector. Be smart and collect your empty (shampoo, sun lotion, conditioner etc. etc.) bottles, clean them very well and put your valuables in it when you go to the beach, they will never notice that that bottle is filled with your stuff.