13 tips for packing your backpack or suitcase.

Oct 14, 2021 | Enjoy

Packing a backpack or suitcase is very stressful for many travelers. Do you have to roll everything up to take up the least space? Or put everything in plastic bags to keep your bag in order? Or is effective packaging nowadays only possible if you use vacuum bags? Don’t panic, these and more packing tips can be found in detail and discussed below.

Tip 1: Check your holiday list before packing

Packing a suitcase or filling a backpack is much easier if you have checked first. For example, fill your bed, table or sofa with all the things you probably want to take with you on a trip and then grab your holiday list. This allows you to check whether you have everything ready or whether you want to pack too much or too little.

Tip 2: Try to limit the contents of your suitcase.

The travelers who have stress when packing are often also the travelers who quickly pack too much. The tip to them is to combine good clothes before you stuff everything in your backpack or suitcase. There are probably plenty of clothes that you don’t need or definitely won’t wear. By putting it away, you save a lot of space in your suitcase and you prevent packing stress.

Tip 3. Choose accessories instead of clothing

You can also return the contents of your suitcase or backpack by putting away some shirts because you brighten up others with accessories. By wearing accessories you can make an outfit that you have already worn for several days feel like new again. So take small accessories with you instead of countless basics.

Tip 4: Pack clothes that match your travel destination

Packing clothes that are too warm when you go to a tropical resort makes little sense, and the same goes for clothes that are too cold when you go to winter sports. Therefore, pack clothes that suit the travel destination you are going to.

Tip 5: Before you start packing, put your socks in your shoes 

Not only is it useful , because you need socks anyway when you put your shoes on, but it also saves space when you stuff your socks in your shoes.

Tip 6: Choose bags or vacuum bags for packing

Backpacks, in particular, are more organized if you pack them using sacks or bags. These can be plastic or cloth bags, but also vacuum bags. Some travelers prefer cloth bags because they make less noise (which is nice if you sleep a lot in hostel dorms) and they give off less odor than plastic bags. Other backpackers choose a plastic bag, because it is easier to take a new one. Real backpackers go for the vacuum version.

Tip 7: Divide your different clothes over bags or pockets

Put your shirts in one bag, your pants in another and underwear in the next. This way you get a specific bag for every type of item of clothing and this is especially useful if you have a backpack. During backpacking you often sleep in hostels or in a budget room. It is not always nice to have all your clothes lying around. By dividing them between bags you keep it cleaner and better organized.

Tip 8: Roll up your clothes before packing

This packing tip has been around for years. Save space when packing by rolling up your clothes. Your clothes are then smaller because there is less air in between. Just be prepared for some possible creases when you unpack everything…

Tip 9: Limit the contents of your toiletry bag with travel bottles 

A toiletry bag can take up a lot of space in your suitcase or backpack. It is therefore advisable not to take large bottles of shampoo or cream with you, but to use travel bottles. You can easily refill these and they are much smaller, which makes packing easy again.

Tip 10: Don’t bring any books but an eReader or do a book exchange.

There is nothing better than lying on the beach with a good book. Unfortunately, books take up a lot of space in your suitcase or bag. As far as packing is concerned, it is therefore more advisable to take an eReader with you. You only need one object instead of dozens of books. Another option is to participate in a book exchange. Sometimes on the beach or in a hostel you meet someone who has just finished his books while you are, at such a moment you can propose a book exchange. You will also often find a bookcase in many hostels and hotels where you can exchange books for free.

Tip 11: Pack laundry detergent so you don’t need new clothes for every day.

Are you going on holiday for a little longer? Then it can be useful to pack detergent. If you go away for a longer period of time, it is impossible to pack clean clothes for every day. Detergent can come in handy halfway through the holiday. Wash your clothes in your hotel or have it done in a launderette.

Tip 12: Make optimal use of hand luggage.

If you are going to take a long flight, you can often take a limited weight with you in your suitcase or backpack. If you exceed that limit, you should make optimal use of your hand luggage. Some airlines allow you to take a lot of kilos of hand luggage with you.

One last tip 13: for packing a backpack

You might not say it, but when you pack a backpack it is wise to put heavy things (such as a flashlight, tent poles, water or your toilet bag) at the top and lighter things (such as a sleeping bag, large vest or jacket) at the bottom. It is best to put your clothes in the middle compartment. This layout seems to provide the best wearing comfort.

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