Handy Info Malaga

Just some general information about Malaga that is handy to know!

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General information about Malaga

Currency:                                                                   By euros (€)
Country code (phone):                                             +95
City code (phone):                                                    +0034
In case of emergency (phone number):                112
Electricity:                                                                  220-240 volt

Typical of Malaga
– Espetos de Sardinas
– Boquerones
– Beaches
– Malaga FC
– La Noria of Malaga
– Spanish Squares

ATM Services in Malaga  office

The banking hours Malaga usually range between 8:30 and 14:00. However, it varies depending on the bank. The opening days of banks Malaga always agree that business days are Monday through Friday.

The banks, usually follow the opening hours of banks. If it comes to ATMs, you will have them 24 hours provided, they are located outside the bank. 

Safety in Malaga

Malaga is a safe city for tourists but since it is the sixth largest city in Spain it is prone to minor crime like pick pocketing and bag snatching. Beware of quiet places and narrow side streets. Be on guard while you’re at the beach or while availing public transportation services. Also be cautious of women offering rosemary as these are bag snatchers on the sly.

Post office services in Malaga

The post offices in Malaga are open from Monday to Friday from 08:30-20:30 h. Please note that a number of post offices already close at 14:00. On Saturday morning the post offices usually open from 09:30-13:00.

Would you like to post a card? For stamps, you can also start looking for a tobacco shop (Estanc) and maps you can post in the yellow buses scattered around the city.

Public holidays of Spain

Most shops and banks closed on public holidays. The public holidays of Spain are:

Date Holiday
01.01.xxxx           New Year’s Day
06.01.xxxx   Epiphany
03.04.xxxx Good Friday
01.05.xxxx   Labor Day   
15.08.xxxx Assumption of Mary   
12.10.xxxx Hispanic Day  
01.11.xxxx All Saints Day
02.11.xxxx All Saints Day Conception
06.12.xxxx Constitution Day
07.12.xxxx   Constitution Day Observed
08.12.xxxx Immaculate Conception
25.12.xxxx   Christmas Day
31.12.xxxx New Year’s Eve


How late do the stores open and close

Malaga shops open their doors at 9:00 or 10:00, and close for lunch between 13:30 and 14:00. In the afternoon they open again between 16:00 and 17:00 and remain open until 20:00 or 20:30. However, the big shopping centers do not close at noon.

Saturday afternoon open some shops and all department stores, while close Sundays, except in some special dates such as Christmas.

In any case, the shops located in the historic center, in the so-called zone of great tourist influx, may also open on Sundays and holidays, especially when the demand is higher (for example, with the arrival of cruises to the city).